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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Page 2

  As soon as they were alone in the room, he put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on one of the double doors and turned the lock. He hadn’t said a word about BDSM or his plans for the weekend. He’d let it remain the elephant in the room. From his extensive research, he knew anticipation was a powerful tool.

  He took a deliberately long look at his wife. She was nervous and trying to hide it. He kept his face blank. His many years in the courtroom had schooled him well.

  Laura’s hands were behind her back, out of view. By the slight movement of her upper arms, he knew she was wringing her fingers.

  “I’m going to use the restroom,” she mumbled, and headed for the smaller bathroom off the living room.

  He stepped in front of her, blocking her exit. “Raise your skirt first.” He kept his tone low, demanding, yet casual, a simple expectation he would be obeyed. Laura was a master at reading inflections. She discerned subtle nuances. He needed to stay focused.

  She kept her head tilted downward, but her eyes were watching him. He knew the wheels were spinning in that brilliant mind of hers. Yes, she recognized his command for what it was. A test. A gauntlet thrown down in challenge.

  Would she accept his dominance? Showing him the evidence of her arousal—and he hoped to hell she was aroused—would be a huge step for her. One she wouldn’t take comfortably. He waited, watching her fidget. Refusing to repeat his command, he raised one eyebrow. A silent sign of displeasure.

  Her hands shook as she lifted her skirt. Pride swelled in his heart as she revealed her bare pussy. Nick’s breathing labored as he focused on her glistening upper thighs. She was exquisite, her white garter belt a sweet contrast to her tanned body. He couldn’t wait to see those sexy straps stretched over her ass.

  Nick smiled. He hadn’t touched her…yet. Anticipation was a marvelous tool. It was good to know she responded to it so beautifully. It was certainly killing him.

  An emotion chased across Laura’s face too fast to discern. Frustration? She stomped her foot. Her high heel clacked against the expensive marble floor. Was she sorry she’d followed his orders?

  “What are you thinking, Laura?” Nick watched her expressions close down. “D/s requires open communication. Your Dom asked you a direct question. Not answering or evading the question isn’t acceptable.”

  Laura squared her shoulders and he knew he was in for a fight. If they took two steps back for every one forward, they weren’t going to get very far.

  She met his gaze with a hint of defiance. “I was thinking I’m making this too easy for you. You know you’re driving me crazy.” She stood a little straighter. “I should have raised the skirt more slowly, seductively. Maybe turned around and given you a peek at my butt.” She paused. “You seem to like my butt,” her voice softened as if she were seeking reassurance. After a fortifying breath she continued, “It isn’t fair I’m the only one dying here.”

  Nick struggled to keep his expression blank. Laura had just shocked the hell out of him. She wasn’t the only one wet and uncomfortable. Pre-cum wet his leg with each throb she sent through his cock. Her frank honesty surprised him. It also twisted his heart into knots.

  He took a moment to harness his runaway emotions. Laura needed a strong Dom, one she couldn’t push around. One capable of meeting her needs.

  “You aren’t in this alone, Laura.” A small smile touched her face and she softened. Slowly, the armor melted away. It was so erotic to watch.

  “Spread your legs.” He used that same calm, yet demanding tone. Laura responded much quicker this time. His stomach started to settle as she placed her feet shoulder width apart. With his shoe he applied gentle pressure on her right high heel. “Farther.”

  He cupped her crotch, keeping her on edge. Blushing like a schoolgirl, Laura closed her eyes and dropped her head. Nick was shocked at her instinctively submissive gesture. Reveling in the feel of her pussy damp against his palm, he stroked her swollen, moist lips. No doubt about it, his beloved wife, bitch of the boardroom and proud of it, was deeply aroused by submitting to him. Fuck! That was hot.

  With a finger from his left hand, he lifted her chin and waited until she found the nerve to open her eyes. “No, Angel. No hiding.” Slowly he trailed two fingers over her clitoris, pleased as she rocked forward, desperate for his touch. Later, he would restrict her movements. Keep her aware of her body and aware of his control.

  While she watched, he used his tongue to lap the cream from his palm. “You’re delectable. Your Master is pleased with your arousal.”

  Her pupils dilated. She seemed to have trigger words that heightened her excitement. He’d have to pay careful attention until he learnt them all. “Embarrassment has no place between us, my beautiful subbie. Look at my cock. See the effect you have over me? It’s straining against my fly. We’d better hope Armani uses quality zippers or I may need a tailor.” He was rewarded with a shy smile.

  He pulled his list from his suit jacket. “Put this in your suitcase and bring me your final list. I need to check a few things before we head to dinner.”

  Her face was so expressive when she was with him. She wore a stoic mask with others. Only with him did she allow her thoughts to show. He knew she wanted to protest. Undoubtedly, her sense of fairness was affronted by making her wait to analyze his list.

  Her struggle to keep from arguing pleased him. It showed her commitment to keeping the boundaries of their D/s relationship rigid. She was smart, though, she’d eventually figure out his reasoning. He needed her comfortable in the knowledge that the choices on his list were his own, not influenced by a desire to match hers.

  Again her head dropped submissively, signaling he’d won yet another power struggle. With a barely audible sigh, she acknowledged his order. “Yes, Sir.”

  Fuck! The lilt she put in those two words sent his cock twitching. He might not survive this weekend. Damn, what a way to go, though.

  Once he had her list, he stepped aside and allowed her to enter the restroom. Quickly, he scanned her final choices. He couldn’t wait to put her lists side by side. He imagined the mental handstands she’d gone through making her decisions. It must have been pure torture for Laura to decide which punishments she would agree to. He suspected there were several cross-outs on the original list. Breathing a sigh of relief, he found ménage and swapping were on the ‘not interested’ list while spanking and vaginal vibrating eggs were on the ‘want to try’ list.

  After a sharp knock on the bathroom door, Nick burst in without waiting for an invitation. “Enough primping and second guessing. Come out here.” God it felt good to be in command. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the side of the bed. “Lie down, legs apart, ass and feet on the edge.”

  Once she was in place, he grabbed her by the feet, lifted and gave her ass a stinging swat. “When you’re given an order, you answer with ‘yes, Sir’.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she responded quickly. Her butt cheeks were a tantalizing pink. His warning heated her ass, but showed no signs of actually hurting. He brought her legs back down and she repositioned them on the edge of the bed. Bending down, he lifted his brand new gym bag onto the bed beside her. He pulled out a small case and a tube of lube.

  “I’m not sure we need the lube, but we’ll use a bit. I don’t want you sore. Not yet anyway. We have a long weekend ahead of us.” Opening the case, he let her see two oval eggs and a remote control.

  “Looks like you’ve done a bit of shopping, Sir.”

  Nick watched her speculate as to what else he had in the nearly full bag. “Yes, I have been busy lately. John has taken to spying. He doesn’t like being out of the loop. It’s pretty funny really. I overheard him talking to Stephanie, his wife. He thinks I’m either having an affair or I’m getting ready to fire him.” Laura would not be comfortable with anyone knowing about their sexual activities. He wanted to alleviate any unnecessary concerns.

  They both chuckled. “I hope he isn’t sending out résumés. You’d be lost without him, Sir.�

  Their eyes met as he inserted the two eggs. “Okay?” He smiled once she nodded. “No, John is good at his job. He’s the best personal assistant I’ve ever had, but if he left tomorrow I’d find another. You, on the other hand, are irreplaceable. You, I would be lost without.” He watched her eyes widen in surprise, making him realize how long it’d been since he’d spoken from the heart. Nick vowed to change that in the future. After he wiped his hand on a towel he’d brought with them, he helped her off the bed.

  “Oh, they moved.” She took a few steps and smiled as they settled into place. “They’re heavier than I expected.”

  Nick watched her squirm a little and glance at the floor. Did she expect them to fall out? Obviously, she had no idea how strong her kegel muscles were. His cock jumped in anticipation of those muscles milking him as he came.

  Worry was not on the agenda this weekend. The thong he’d brought would alleviate her fears. He wanted her focused on her body. “These match your dress nicely. If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you keep them on during dinner.”

  “Butt floss is a reward for good behavior?”

  Laura hated thongs. The few times he’d asked her to try them, she’d given him quite an earful. “This won’t happen often, but I’m feeling generous. Your Master is granting you a choice.” He paused, letting the situation sink in. It wouldn’t be easy for Laura to give up control over her wardrobe. She used it as shielding to keep a firm barrier between her and the rest of the world. “Butt floss or bare? After you choose, use your manners and properly thank your Dom for his generosity.”

  Her lips parted, her breathing shallowed. The harder he pushed, the more aroused she became. This was going to be a hell of a weekend.

  Laura’s gaze slid to the floor and her body relaxed, accepting his dominance. “Thank you, Sir, for your kindness. If you’ll allow it, I’d like to wear the thong.”

  His breath rushed from his body. Son of a bitch, how did she know the perfect pitch to bring him to his knees? Drawing air into his oxygen-deprived lungs, he tried to carry on. “Everything has been washed and sterilized. This is a worry-free weekend.”

  “Thank you, Sir, I appreciate that.”

  “Lift up your skirt.” He put the thong between his teeth so he could use both hands to unhook her stockings. Once they were free, he held the panties open for her to step into. She put her hands on his shoulders then maneuvered her high heels through the leg holes.

  “Turn around.”

  Laura obliged without comment or complaint.

  “Damn, woman, I love your ass.” He fondled her cheeks and gave her a taunting smack before pulling her skirt down. He noticed the pink tint covering both sets of her cheeks. Yes, looking through her tablet had been the second best decision he’d ever made. “Quit tempting me, woman, we’re gonna be late for dinner. We have reservations at the pool side club.”

  “I was thinking we would just call room service.” Her body was very telling. She tensed, waiting for his answer, signaling this was a test. He didn’t mind. Her responses so far had given him the answer sheet.

  It was time to make it clear he had no intention of relinquishing the power she’d given him. “I considered that and dismissed the idea. We need to talk, not about specifics, we’ll get to that in private. We need to discuss how we got here and where we’re headed. I think a public, neutral setting is best. It removes the temptation to just dive in. The table I’ve reserved is secluded with a nice view. I think it’s best.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Watching closely, he knew he’d scored an A plus.

  “One more thing before we head out.” He twirled a small keychain around his finger. “We should test this first.” Nick knew her eyes were fixated on the device’s two buttons. He clicked the first button causing the eggs to dance inside her. As her knees quivered, Nick’s arm caught her about the waist. “That’s the lowest setting of five,” he informed her with satisfaction. “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s a dangerous tool and I should keep it in my purse.” Nick knew the words were out before she could stop them. Her eyes widened, as she realized she’d overstepped her bounds.

  He had to suppress a smile. Now that was the woman he’d married. So far, he’d been surprised by the demure, very un-CEO behavior from the woman who had juggled a full-time job, two kids and maintained a four-point-oh GPA for her entire college education. His cock strained against his slacks after he noticed her lower lip sucked into her beautiful mouth in exaggerated silence and her eyes cast toward the floor. “Wrong answer, Angel. I had intended to turn it off, but now I think we’ll increase it to the next intensity setting. You can enjoy that until our drinks are served.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Laura’s jaw tensed as he clicked the button one more time. She stood perfectly still for several seconds, her entire body frozen, as if moving would cause her to shatter into a million pieces. When she began to breathe again, he knew she’d accepted the sensations and was slowly processing them. Her nipples were hard, begging to be played with. He forced his eyes to her face. If he got distracted, they’d never make it out of the room.

  Loving the vulnerable look she gave him for a few precious moments before regaining her composure, he pushed her comfort zone a little further. “Some women wear these to work. Perhaps we’ll try that one day soon.”

  With a smirk, he pocketed the remote and led Laura from the suite. Once the elevator door closed, granting them a few moments of privacy, he massaged her tense shoulders. “You make me proud, Angel. And hard as a rock.”

  Her face was flushed. “I’m so glad, Nick. I want to please you.”

  He whispered, “Remember to breathe and no coming without permission.”

  Their eyes met, letting her know he meant business.

  Her nostrils flared in aggravation. Suppressing his smile he reminded her, “The only weapons in my arsenal are the ones you give me, Angel.”

  “What do you mean, Sir?”

  “On your limits list, you marked ‘wanted to try’ for orgasm deprivation.”

  “Damn it!” she muttered. “That’s because I’d never suffered through it.”

  “You should thank your Dom for giving you a new experience.” Her mutinous expression made him chuckle.

  “Thank you, Sir. I hope you get to experience a similar gift in the near future.” Her voice betrayed her struggle to maintain composure.

  Laura’s brattiness made him laugh. Her fire and spunk were a treasure. He would demand her obedience in the bedroom, but the last thing he wanted was a mindless slave.

  “What’s the latest with the merger? Are the feds still dragging their feet?”

  “Merger?” Her voice broke getting the word out.

  “Yes, Angel, the merger you’ve been killing yourself over for the last six months. Do you think it’ll be approved soon?” A fine sheen of sweat beaded on her brow. She needed a reprieve. Since he couldn’t change his physical expectations for her without appearing weak, he had to give her the tools to meet his challenge. By dragging her focus away from the stimulation, it would buy her some needed time.

  Laura exhaled. A bit of the pent-up tension eased from her body. A small grateful smile touched her lips. “Yes, I believe so. It won’t interfere with our trip to the islands, regardless. I won’t let it.”

  “I knew you’d work it out. You are amazing. You know that, right?” Without pausing he asked, “Have you decided which hotel you want to stay in?”

  “I’m thinking we might split our time between both.” Her voice had taken on a breathless quality, making him glad she stood in front of him as they entered the restaurant to shield his very obvious hard-on.

  “Almost there, baby. I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in her ear as they were seated. Her body was strung tight, breathing shallow, nipples standing at attention, yet she moved with fluid grace. Confident and sexy as fuck. He didn’t know how he was going to wait until they were back in the room.

  As time stretched on, Ni
ck found it harder to distract her. Laura probably had no idea she was biting her lip, rocking her feet from heel to toe and tapping her fingernail on the table.

  She was making the waiter nervous. The poor kid’s hands were shaking. It took him two attempts to open the wine. Nick almost took pity on her and turned it off, but he knew she wouldn’t like it. It was a matter of pride. He’d set a challenge and she would see it through. He’d have to be careful what he asked of her.

  As soon as her glass was placed in front of her, he hit the off button. He watched her body soften. She let out the breath she’d been holding. A second or two later, her fidgeting stopped and his poised CEO returned. She offered the waiter a small smile and a hushed, “Thank you.”

  “Better?” he asked her quietly once the waiter had taken their order.

  “Mostly.” She gave him a sideways smile.

  “Need to come, Angel?” He smiled when she nodded quickly. “If you had controlled that pretty mouth of yours, you wouldn’t have needed this exercise in discipline. I’ll be honest with you, Laura, I’d rather reward you, but correcting your bad behavior is a huge turn-on.”

  Nick continued to watch her closely. She was working through something. If he was reading her right, he’d discovered another trigger word. “What are you thinking, Laura?”

  She shook her head. “Other than I need to be less animated?” she laughed.

  He refused to let her sidestep a direct question. With two fingers he motioned for her to answer.

  “You use the most patronizing phrases.” She used her hands expressively. “You throw out words like discipline and correcting. It should make me angry.” Her gaze dropped to the table and her voice softened, “But it makes me hot. What is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you, my sweet Angel. You are my other half. I receive pleasure from dominating you. If submitting to me brings you happiness, we’re a perfect match. Two halves of the same whole.”