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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline)

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Bondage Anniversary

  ISBN # 978-1-78184-892-0

  ©Copyright Tori Carson 2013

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2013

  Edited by Jennifer Douglas

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2013 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Melting and a Sexometer of 3.

  This story contains 113 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 6 pages.

  Desired Discipline


  Tori Carson

  Book one in the Desired Discipline Series

  Can bondage save a marriage? Once Nick uncovers Laura’s hidden desire for BDSM, there’s no going back. Laura craves his touch, but Master Nick wants more than her body. He demands her total submission.

  Laura can only find the excitement she so desperately craves between the covers of the latest BDSM novel she reads alone in their bed. Then one night Nick, her loving, cater-to-her-every-whim, vanilla sex husband discovers her hidden library. To her surprise, he decides their anniversary getaway is the perfect time to turn her fantasies into reality.

  Before he can put his plan into action, Nick must figure out how to tell his wife she’s actually married to a Dom. More than that, Nick is also part owner of DiscipliNation, a successful chain of kink clubs and an erotic toy manufacturing company. Can he dominate his lovely ‘ballbreaker of the boardroom’ wife—while keeping his balls intact?

  Laura’s treacherous body revels in Nick’s domination. As a natural submissive, she thrives under his strict, unyielding command. He trains her to respond to his every touch and the line between pain and pleasure blurs—so much desire, she’s lost in it. Laura craves his firm hand, yet his sin of omission shakes her trust. She willingly offers her body, but guards her heart. Quickly, she learns that Master Nick isn’t just a hotter than hell, leather-clad, flogger-wielding alter ego. Dom isn’t a role he slips on like a mask. It runs in his blood, defines his personality and, once unleashed, there’s no going back. Master Nick won’t play at D/s. The gift of her body isn’t enough. He demands her total submission.


  To my loving husband, without you this book would never have been completed. You are my support, my encouragement, and my inspiration. Together we’ve discovered the true meaning of love.

  To Erik, for bringing a smile to my face, #’Causethat’slove!

  To Sophie, for encouraging me to follow my heart and never give up.

  To my friends, Lana, June, Ann Marie, David, Gwyn, and Cris, for standing beside me and cheering me on.

  Jenny, you rock! Your guidance and support throughout this process has been immeasurable. I just can’t say enough. Thank you.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Fortune 500: Time Inc.

  Armani: Giorgio Armani

  Chapter One

  Laura woke up in bed alone. She sighed in frustration. It’d been that way for years, why was it bothering her now? She rolled over and put her hand on her husband’s pillow. Her mood softened when she found a rose and a card. Her husband had been so preoccupied lately, she’d been afraid he might forget their anniversary. She should have known better. Sniffing the rose, she noticed the thorns had been removed. Of course, he would think of everything.

  Opening the card, she saw it was more like a pamphlet. The cover was a photo from their high school days. Wow, did they look…innocent, and stupid. The next page was a collage of pictures from back in the day. Goodness how times had changed.

  My dearest Angel, I suspect looking at these pictures, you were struck by how much has changed since we first fell in love. My rainbow-streaked-hair girl has turned into a stunning corporate executive. Your hand-me-down station wagon with the monkey hanging from the rear-view mirror has been replaced with a car much more fitting your elegant style. Those terry cloth rompers, flip-flops and plastic bangles have been traded for linen suits, high heels and diamonds. We won’t even mention the changes in me. Suffice to say—goodbye cheesy mustache!

  Our love has changed and grown too. I was pretty sure we had something special when we married. Now I know you are my life. My world revolves around your smile. Although I try to make sure you know that, sometimes I get mired down in day-to-day crap and I forget what’s really important.

  The other night while you lay in bed sleeping, I needed to check something on the Internet. My tablet and laptop were in my briefcase, so I grabbed your tablet. I was pretty shocked to see your reading interests had changed so dramatically. Historical fiction to BDSM is quite a leap. I was even a little pissed off that I’d had no inkling.

  Laura dropped the card. Oh my God! She grabbed her tablet and scrolled through the book section. Nick had gone through her tablet. Her hands shook and a faint, ill feeling took over. Her sweet, vanilla husband had looked through her extensive collection of BDSM books and short stories. Holy crap! She forced her breathing under control and picked up the card again.

  I took note of the titles, purchased and read them all.

  Holy fucking shit! He read them. Read them all. Every raunchy, hotter than hell scene barraged her mind. That’s it. I’m divorced. Or dead. Our weekend getaway is just a ruse to give him time to hide my body. Her hands shook so badly she laid the card on the bed before she continued.

  Some I liked better than others. I found a few more I think you’ll like. We can talk about them this weekend.

  I see now I have been neglecting you. Like everything else, our sex life needs to evolve. I’m relieved to see every story had the girl as the sub, except that one with the switch couple. I hope you weren’t overly fond of that story. That won’t be happening.

  She read and reread the last part. It sounded like he wanted to play. Now her breathing was really ragged. Hope began to flicker like a little flame. Her husband was a successful attorney. He was Branson, of Branson and Associates. He knew how to take command. Just the thought of him commanding her got her wet. It was a little frightening
. He certainly wouldn’t be a wussy Dom. Once he committed to dominating her, she wouldn’t be allowed any wiggle room. That’s just the way he was. Was she ready for this? Oh yeah, as long as he wanted it too… She loved him too much to push him into something he wasn’t comfortable with.

  Please see the attached form. We need to be on the same page with this. Look over the list, add to it if I left anything out, complete it and bring it with you tonight. I have completed the same list. We will discuss it at the hotel. I’m sure we can negotiate a game plan from there. Be ready at four p.m. Wear a skirt or dress with stockings, high heels and no panties. Your soulmate, Nick.

  Before she could do more than glance at the form, her cell phone buzzed letting her know she had a text. It was from Nick.

  Did you find your card?

  What should she say? She didn’t want to text about this, but he had to be wondering how she had received his…invitation. She texted back.

  Yes, Sir, I will be ready.

  He responded almost immediately.

  Good girl.

  Why was that hot? A shiver startled her. It was a freaking text message, yet she felt his whiskers brush her ear. His soft, warm breath caressed her neck as he whispered those two words. Two condescending words she wanted to hear over and over again.

  Laura needed to get her imagination under control and focus. Nick expected the list to be completed by this evening. She was a little intimidated by the task. The list was long, detailed and extensive. If he’d had John, his PA, type the form, she would kill him. No doubt about it.

  Nah, John would have used a sliding scale. This list was very cut and dried. Each item had three choices—want to try, need more information, not interested. Yep, the form was very Nick. No shades of gray.

  The first section included clubs, swapping and ménage.

  Okay, she was feeling much less confident now. She’d just marked ‘not interested’ to an entire section. Shit. Did he want those things? What if he’d marked ‘want to try’ on those? Could she try it?

  She just didn’t know. Nick had been her only partner. They’d been together since high school. She didn’t want anyone else. Did he? What had she got herself into?

  Section two was just as worrisome. Nick had broken down bondage into various categories with everything from materials to equipment. What type of restraint did she want to experiment with? Did she want to use the softer materials like ties or scarves, or dive a little deeper and try rope or cuffs? Was she willing to be bound to a spreader bar, St Katherine’s wheel or St Andrew’s cross? How did she feel about suspension or swings? Blindfolds, gags, hoods or dental equipment…

  She wiped a hand over her face. Had she created a monster? She didn’t even know what some of it was. At first, she answered using his three-point system. After a while, she started scribbling notes in the columns. She’d finished two sections when worry seized her. What if he decided she’d disobeyed by not following his format?

  A short, panicky chuckle escaped looking at section three—‘Discipline’. Oh fuck. It started out simple enough with spanking. Spanking scenes always got her hot. It just seemed bizarre that corporal punishment could make a woman excited. She knew why it happened. She understood the physical dynamics, but it was the mental aspect that sent her into orgasm territory. Crap, he even made that scary. Did she want him to use his hand, belt, crop, slapper, flogger, paddle, whip or cane? Caning was right out. There wasn’t any mental anguish about that choice. Hell no. Whipping was out too, for the time being. Maybe later. Maybe not.

  This section just kept going and going. Humiliation, electrical shock, orgasm deprivation, hot wax, fire and ice… He had even brought clamps into this section. She’d had no idea there were so many choices. How could she answer this when she had no reference to gauge it by? What was the difference between clover, tweezer and alligator clamps? Were weights and vibrators for pain or pleasure? Rubber bands were iffy. And what the hell was a Wartenberg Pinwheel? It sounded like something kids played with in the wind.

  Oh good heavens! Section four was titled ‘Anal Play’. Almost all BDSM stories had anal sex. It sounded…messy. She had to admit, at least to herself, a small part of her wondered what all the hoopla was about. Was it only enjoyable for the men or did the women really find it pleasurable too? Could any woman handle any man? Nick was large, larger than most, she suspected. She’d read about the ‘training’ process. Maybe it would work.

  ‘Pony Play’? That couldn’t mean what it sounded like. Nick was allergic to animal dander. She noticed the ‘fill in the blank’ line next to ‘plug material preference’ and was torn between laughing and crying. Obviously, Nick had done his homework. How had he gained so much knowledge in such a short period of time?

  Section five had a lot of the same categories as ‘Discipline’. What was the difference? Force? Intensity? She looked back at that section and had some distinct second thoughts. Why had she used a pen? If she crossed out half of her ‘want to try’ what would that say about her? She knew the exact smirk he’d get on his face. Nope, she would face the consequences of her choices rather than give him the satisfaction.

  The next section was intriguing. Create a playroom? Live the D/s lifestyle twenty-four seven? Abandon vanilla completely? Yikes. How could she make a decision like that without first experimenting? Fantasy and reality rarely had much in common. Surely, they would revisit the list after a trial period. Maybe she should have filled out the list with only this weekend in mind…

  Laura laughed. Submission was supposed to be freeing. Obviously, she sucked at it. She felt like she’d slipped out of her seat on a rollercoaster and was barely holding onto the back of the car as it flew around the track.

  A text notification alert sounded.

  You’ll find another copy of the list in the safe, in case you’re having second thoughts.

  A dumb grin was plastered on her face. He knew her so well.

  Thank you, Sir.

  She responded. She had assumed his distraction of late had concerned his meeting this morning. Now she suspected it was something entirely different. And she loved it.

  The text message alert tone sounded again.

  Keep both copies. I want to know what your thought process has been and what you finally decide on.

  Of course he would. Damn, he sounded just like the Doms she’d read about. No, he wouldn’t allow her to get away with anything. Her panties were soaked. Should she masturbate? No, the anticipation felt good.

  * * * *

  Hot damn! Nick had been pacing in his office since he’d arrived. Finally, he sank into his chair and spun around to gaze out of the glass wall overlooking downtown. Damn, he’d been nervous. Laura was so strong. Hell, he’d heard more than one associate whisper her nickname ‘Ball breaker’ in fear. She had grown into such a confident, poised woman. Marrying her had been the smartest move he’d ever made. Reading her tablet had to be the second.

  He’d been interested in D/s for as long as he could remember, but he hadn’t thought it was her thing. The few times he’d swatted her ass, she’d looked mad enough to spit fire. Had he read her wrong? Maybe. More likely she’d thought that was how she should respond. Yeah, that felt right.

  He couldn’t wait to get a look at her list. He’d been hard as a rock compiling it. Judging by the books she read, their interests seemed similar, but she had a few ménage stories. He wasn’t into that. He’d noted those were always part of a book series, not stand-alone stories. No sense worrying. He’d know more once he read her responses.

  Nick had reserved the honeymoon suite at the swanky hotel where Laura had wanted to spend their wedding night. Back then, they hadn’t had two dimes to rub together. High school sweethearts scraping together college tuition, books and rent didn’t have three hundred dollars to blow on one night in a hotel. Twenty-two years later, it was nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars a night and he’d booked it for three nights.

  Damn, time was crawling. Work had bee
n his refuge for so long. How many years had he escaped to his office in a desperate attempt to keep the peace at home? He couldn’t be in bed with Laura and not want to make love to her. Laura, however, refused spontaneous intimacy. And frankly he didn’t handle rejection well. They’d spent so many mornings arguing, it had become part of the normal routine. Unable to live like that, he’d started going to work before she woke up. His office had become his quiet retreat.

  Now he watched the clock like a man obsessed as he waited to pick her up. Excitement and anxiety rode him in alternating waves. This weekend had such potential. Funny how one word—potential—could encompass many things. D/s could potentially bring them together and save their marriage. On the flip side, it could push them further apart and destroy it once and for all. The link binding them together was tenuous at best. They had history together, two great kids, but their sex life was virtually G-rated. In reality, they were living separate lives under the same roof. With Laura growing ever more distant, Nick felt completely unnecessary. He couldn’t continue following that path.

  Grabbing his keys he realized he was now in the driver’s seat of their relationship, no longer a helpless passenger hanging on for dear life. Given the opportunity, Laura micro-managed everything in her life. Like an idiot, Nick had gone along with it. He’d mistakenly assumed it was what she needed. Now he saw what a horrible error he’d made. Laura needed a balance in her life and to achieve that, he had to take the reins. And he was more than ready. Taking the stairs two at a time, he stood a little taller. No fucking way would he fail her again.

  Normally, Laura would have been at least fifteen minutes late. Not this time. Her bag was packed and she was waiting for him. If he’d known D/s play had this side benefit, he would have brought it up years ago.

  At the hotel, he allowed the bellhop to load their suitcases on the cart, but he kept hold of his gym bag. It contained many recent purchases and helped block the view of his rather conspicuous hard-on. They rode the elevator in silence. Laura had been very quiet since he’d picked her up at four sharp.