Bondage Celebration (Desired Discipline) Read online

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  She felt his chest brush against hers before his lips glided along her neck. Slowly, with deliberate movements, he brought her body to a fevered pitch. His warm breath peaked her nipples and sent shivers down her spine. She focused on his delicious mouth and tried not to think too much about him preparing her ass.

  Without conscious thought, each time his cool, lubricated fingers slid deep inside her ass, she arched her back drawing him farther in. His mouth and other hand continued their assault on her breasts.

  “Put your hands above your head. If you move them I will stop and you will not come the rest of the evening. Do you understand?” His voice was stern and unyielding.

  “Yes, Master.” She considered asking him to restrain her. Sometimes it was so hard to remember not to move when her body seemed to have a life of its own.

  “You’re so beautiful, Laura. I love how responsive your body is to me.” He licked and sucked her nipples, pulling them farther and farther into his mouth.

  “More, Master. Please more.” She wasn’t entirely sure what she was asking him to do. She needed relief so badly.

  Nick’s teeth bit onto her swollen nipple. Laura screamed as pleasure zinged straight to her clit. With his tongue and gentle lips, he laved kisses along her tortured breast.

  She arched toward him with her other breast, silently begging for his attention. Her Master read her need and fulfilled her longing. Every inhibition vanished. She spread her legs farther apart and began to move against his hand.

  “Master, I need you inside me. I want to come. Please!”

  “Where do you want me, Angel?” His contented purr had a direct effect on her clit.

  Throbbing and needing more attention, she told Nick exactly what she wanted. “My ass, Master. Please fuck my ass. I need you.”

  Nick’s mouth continued to tease and torture her nipples. She tried to stay still. Her only fear was she would move her hands and he’d stop. Laura locked her fingers under the headboard and willed them to stay there.

  Her Master’s fingers were plundering her ass, his thumb lightly brushing against her clit, and she was desperate for more. “Please.”

  Arrogant and sure of himself, Nick pushed her a little further from her comfort zone. “I am fucking you with my fingers, isn’t that enough, subbie?”

  She shook her head from side to side. “No.” She panted. Her body no longer her own, she needed his touch. Craved it. Her breasts had never felt so full, tingling and aching for his mouth. Her pussy clenched with each throb of her clit. “Your cock, Master. I want your cock in my ass. Please. I’m begging. I need you, now, Sir.” She sounded just as desperate as she felt.

  Laura groaned as he withdrew his fingers from her body. She felt the bed lean as Nick moved to between her legs. He was careful to make sure some part of his body always touched her. She heard the sound of foil ripping.

  “I’m so proud of you, Laura.”

  She felt his slick, condom covered cock at her opening. Her heart was pounding. She moaned as his thumb slid over her engorged clit. From his training, she remembered it would be less uncomfortable if she pushed back against him. Wantonly she begged him to fuck her.

  “Hang on, Angel, it’s going to be a tight fit.”

  Her breath left her body as he pushed past her entrance.

  “How are you doing, Laura?” His voice was brittle, she knew he was holding onto his control by his fingertips.

  “Wait!” She began panting willing her body to relax. Tight didn’t come close to adequately explaining how it felt. “Give me a minute to get used to this.”

  Nick, bless him, stayed perfectly still. His hands ran up and down her thighs.

  Slowly, the discomfort faded. As her body relaxed, Nick allowed his hands to roam. He caressed her clit lightly, coaxing her arousal back to a fevered pitch. With his other hand he rolled and pinched her nipples in turn. She started to wish he had three hands.

  Nick slid a little deeper inside her. Laura expected pain, but found pleasure. She gripped the headboard tighter. An orgasm was fast approaching and she would surely die if he refused her. Experimentally, Laura began to meet him with each stroke.

  “That’s my girl. God, you feel incredible, Laura. You are such a miracle.”

  Laura wanted to tell him it wasn’t her. It was the two of them together. Words just wouldn’t form correctly. Her vocabulary had been reduced to single syllables. She’d never imagined sex could be this hot. This explosive.

  Her Master began to pump in earnest. She screamed as her muscles clenched around his huge, thrusting cock.

  Nick’s finger left her clit as he warned her. “Remember you must have permission to come, subbie. This is my body. I decide when it releases.”

  Oh, God, she couldn’t stop her orgasm from consuming her. “Please…Master, please,” she begged.

  He must have known that was the best she could do and took pity on her. “Yes, my Angel, you’ve earned it. Come for me.” Nick pinched her engorged clit between his thumb and finger.

  Laura’s torso lifted off the bed, she screamed and shook her head from side to side as the orgasm hit with hurricane force. Wave after wave continued to rock her while Nick’s cock spasmed and throbbed deep inside her ass. He seemed to grow larger as he continued to thrust back and forth within her tightest channel.

  Together they rode the crest, no longer fighting the sensations just hanging on as their world turned to pure pleasure.

  As she floated back to earth, she heard her Master cooing words of encouragement. “That was beautiful, my Angel, ride it out.” Nick pulled the mask up to her forehead.

  Laura batted tears from her lashes as she looked up into the loving face of her husband. “I love you, Nick, but I think you killed me. I can’t even feel my fingers.” She laughed to make sure he understood she was teasing.

  He carefully leaned forward and took her hands into his, massaging her cramped muscles. “Next time, if you ask nicely, I’ll make it easy and use rope to restrain you.”

  She smiled. “I considered asking you to do it this time, but I didn’t want to wait.”

  “Impatient wench. We’ll have to work on that.” With reluctance, Nick eased out of her. “I’ll be back to clean you up. Don’t move.”

  She was so tired, she wasn’t going anywhere except to sleep. She reached up and curled the pillow a little closer. And just like that she must have dropped off. The next thing she knew, Nick was pulling her legs apart and using a warm washcloth along her bottom. She could hear the tub water running, he would insist on her bathing with him. As much as she loved a good hot soak, all she wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep.

  “Listen, bossy man, I need some sleep.” She rubbed her face over the pillow and made a show of snuggling down for the night.

  Nick chuckled from deep in his belly. “Dom.”

  He acted like that said it all.

  Laura felt his arms wrap around her before he carried her into the bathroom. “If you’re going to carry me everywhere you might want to rethink making me eat all the food on my plate.”

  “Silly woman, your Dom is strong enough to always take care of you.”

  As he eased them both into the water, she realized just how much she needed a warm bath. He positioned her between his legs and pulled her back against his chest. Using a loofah, he rubbed the water above her breasts. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “I’m ready, Nick.” She felt his whole body go still.

  “For what, my beautiful Angel?”

  Laura looked up into his eyes, “To wear your collar.” She heard his heart beating, felt his stomach clench. “Talk to André and set it up.”

  “Are you sure, Laura? Once we take this step, it’s for all time. Like your wedding ring, you’ll wear my collar from then on.”

  “I know, Master, and I’m ready.” She smiled to let him know she was excited about moving forward.

  Nick wrapped her in his arms and squeezed her tight. “Laura you
’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

  Chapter Six

  Laura had been working from home since Monday morning when he’d received a call from AJ. Simson, the little bastard, had purchased a handgun in Gallup, a border town between Arizona and New Mexico.

  “Are you sure it’s safe to attend the Mardi Gras?” Since James had been injured, Laura was now worried for anyone around her. No one believed Simson had actually left the area.

  “Yes, Angel. I know how important this is to you and I’d like you to get a look at the club so we can finalize plans for our collaring ceremony.” Nick pulled her into his arms and cradled her face against his chest. Bending forward, he kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry. We’ve got this taken care of. AJ has arranged a small security detail to accompany us. Several of his men are attending the event and a few that are members are giving presentations. You’ll be safe.”

  “I’m not worried about me. I know you’ll keep me safe. I just feel like I’m a walking doomsday device—a hazard to everyone near me.”

  “It is possible he left the area.”

  “That would just mean someone else was in danger. We were lucky Jeffries was apprehended before he could disappear off the radar as well.”

  “He’s been very cooperative. According to Jeffries, Simson caught him banging a girl from the secretarial pool and started blackmailing him. After that, Simson had him by the balls. He couldn’t pursue any of the complaints against Simson without putting his neck on the chopping block.” Jeffries described Simson as a hothead with a need for vengeance. The officer interviewing him felt certain Jeffries was afraid of Simson.

  “Those poor women. They had nowhere to turn. Have you had any luck convincing them to testify?”

  “No. From what we’ve been able to uncover, he’s threatened their children or loved ones. Don’t worry about it, Laura. He won’t escape prosecution.”

  Laura shook her head, obviously upset. “We need to make sure those women get the counseling they need and financial re-compensation.”

  “You have to be careful to limit the company’s liability. I know you care more about the women than the corporation’s bottom line, but it isn’t unheard of for false claims to be filed in an attempt to cash-in. We’ll go through a third party to remain anonymous, but we’ll make sure they have what they need to get their lives back on track.”

  “Thank you, Nick.” Laura walked over to the bed where she’d laid out her costume for the evening. “This is a beautiful outfit.” She ran her hand over the sequins along the corset top. “The colors are so feminine.”

  “I thought the blue would match your eyes and I know lavender is your favorite color. When I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for you.” He couldn’t wait to see her in it. Glancing at his watch, he noticed time was speeding by. “We need to leave in about thirty minutes.”

  “The skirt is very sheer. Do members usually dress there or do they drive around dressed in club wear?”

  “There are locker rooms at the club. Some keep clothes there, others put clothing over the top of their fet wear and store their outerwear in a locker during playtime. Since this is a public event, only the reception area, great hall and outdoor play area will be open. James will be driving us there. He’ll pull up to the door. No one outside the club will see you.”

  Nick changed into leather pants, boots and a white, flowing, lace up shirt.

  “Can you help me with the corset? I can see why women had handmaidens to help them into these contraptions.”

  Laura had the corset strings all a jumble. He saw her hands shaking and knew how nervous she must be. Nick went to her immediately. After a tender hug, he began lacing the side panels. Next, he moved to the back eyelets and secured them. “We can adjust any attachment point so let me know if something doesn’t feel comfortable.”

  He worked quickly and efficiently until he got to the good part, then he savored every moment. “Lift the girls.” Seeing Laura’s hands cup the bottom of her breasts and present them to him, he felt obliged to spend a few moments worshiping them both.

  Laura tipped her head back. With her soft moans of encouragement, it didn’t take long before his pants were strangling his cock. Knowing they had to leave shortly, he pulled his mouth away from heaven and got back to work.

  “I love your tits, Laura. I wish we had more time.”

  Laura was flushed with a slight glaze to her eyes. He loved knowing he could do that for her. “How does that feel? Is it too tight?”

  “As long as I don’t have to breathe, we should be fine.” She laughed, assuring him she was just teasing.

  He stepped back, inspecting his wardrobe purchase. “You’re stunning, Laura. Absolutely, stunning.”

  She stood in front of a full length mirror turning this way and that. With her index fingernail between two teeth she turned toward him. “May I wear underwear, Master? I’m feeling very exposed.”

  The skirt was completely sheer. In truth, he wasn’t comfortable with her bared to the world. This was one aspect of the lifestyle where he differed from most Doms. She was incredibly beautiful, but he wasn’t comfortable with other men eyeing his woman. “Baggy, saggy underwear would ruin the look, but I think a thong would add a hint of mystery and be in keeping with the Mardi Gras theme. If you would like to wear a thong this evening, I will allow it.”

  “More butt floss, eh?” Laura laughed. “Yes, Master. If it’s that or nothing, I’ll choose butt floss.”

  Nick knew Laura hated thongs, but she looked magnificent in them. One of the wonderful perks of being her Dom was deciding when she would wear them.

  “What shoes do you think would look best?” She was showing him several high heeled pairs.

  “Just throw on a pair of sandals. Subs are generally barefoot within the club. You also need to wear a collar so the other Doms know you’re off-limits. Until we have the ceremony, we’ll go with a simple play collar.” Nick went to his chest of drawers and pulled out a lovely, twisted, blue and lavender, silk cord collar with a silver latch and D ring. He’d had it specially made for this evening.

  “Oh, Master, you spoil me. It matches my outfit beautifully.” She lifted her hair and turned around so he could put it on her.

  Nick’s cell phone alerted him. “James is waiting for us. Are you ready?”

  He couldn’t help smiling. She was bubbling over with excitement. Nick picked up the box containing both their masks, opened the bedroom door and followed her out. At the bottom of the stairs, he took her by the arm and steered her toward the basement. “I want you to see something. It will only take a minute. Frank’s crew has been working double shifts to renovate the basement. The spy themed room is completed.”

  Nick led her down the stairs. For added safety he’d had the playroom door fitted with a security keypad. Occasionally, they entertained for business purposes. It wouldn’t do to have a nosey guest stumble upon their playroom.

  Nick told her the passcode and showed her the combination to open the room. Once inside, he stood back and let her take a look around.

  “Oh, my. I had no idea they’d finish it this fast. This is amazing.”

  “There’s still a bit more set up to be done in other parts of the playroom, but this area is finished. And, I have plans to christen it this evening.”

  Nick led her to the first themed area on the left. The rest of the room had a finished drop ceiling, but this part had been designed to look like a warehouse. Pipes and ducting ran about eight feet off the cement floor. A slightly larger than normal metal cot with steel manacles sat along one wall. A cell style cage suspended by heavy chains hung in the opposite corner.

  “What are all those things along the wall?” Laura’s eyes were saucers as she surveyed the room. Her right hand rested over her heart as if to keep it inside her chest.

  “Whip, quirt, anal hook,” Nick pointed to each instrument and recited the name for each as if he were pointing out flowers in a garden. He was careful
to keep his expression serene and his shit-eating grin well hidden.

  “We’re going to use this room tonight?” her voice a breathy whisper.

  He watched her closely. Her eyes were dilated and her nipples were standing at attention. She might be nervous, but he was excited as well. He nodded.

  “I look forward to it.”

  * * * *

  Laura was glad James was in the car with them, it allowed her a few minutes to process Nick’s plans for after the event. It was the most frightening room she’d ever seen in her life. Each piece of furniture, if that’s what you called the items in the room, were harsh and unyielding. Obviously, he’d put lot of thought into that area. The single flickering light bulb put the room over the top. She couldn’t wait to get back and play. Though her mind refused to come up with any play scenarios, she was convinced Nick would not suffer the same problem. He always knew exactly what to do to have her begging and screaming for one orgasm after another.

  Before Laura realized it, they were approaching the club. They pulled up to the door. While they waited for AJ’s men to get into place, Nick went over the club’s expectations for submissives. “No one will be allowed to speak to you without my permission. If I grant it, and you are speaking to a Dom, be sure to address them using the proper protocol. Do not speak unless I give you permission. If you have a question, squeeze my hand. As soon as it’s appropriate, I’ll find a private area and we can speak freely. Any questions?”

  “No, we went over it before. I understand what’s expected. I won’t disappoint you, Nick.” She prayed she was telling the truth. She was so excited, she was afraid she would forget herself and speak out of turn.

  “You always make me proud, subbie.” Nick leaned in and whispered, “Remember to breathe,” into her ear.

  She smiled. He completely understood her.

  “Kick off the sandals. There’s a red carpet on the walkway. You should be able to step straight onto it.” Nick helped her position her mask, then slid his in place. James opened the door and Nick got out. He turned and gave Laura his hand.