Bondage Celebration (Desired Discipline) Read online

Page 10

  When his arms were too heavy to pack a substantial punch, he cleaned up and went to bed. Spooning Laura was becoming his favorite past time. Her body fit perfectly beside his. He loved how she nestled against him using his bicep as a pillow. He’d wake with a horrible Charlie-horse, but it was worth it. Just a short time ago, Laura would have pushed out of his arms. Now she snuggled in tighter and nothing could diminish the pleasure that gave him.

  * * * *

  Laura woke with the sun shining through the shutters and the smells of breakfast waffling through the house. Hash browns and bacon, yum. Nick was definitely trying to spoil her. It took a lot of time to put together such a meal and while it was her favorite, Nick wasn’t a fan. He preferred his breakfast on the lighter side.

  Slowly, feeling every pulled muscle along her back and shoulder, she got out of bed. Glancing at the clock, she was shocked to see the time. Breakfast was really a late lunch. How did that happen? She headed to the bathroom and grabbed a robe. In the mirror, she saw her hair in a braid. Again the thought ‘how did that happen’ came to mind.

  Laura padded down the stairs and began to hear familiar banter and laughter. Her kids had come to visit. She leaned against the doorframe, watching Nick and Robert cook while Rachel sat at the island and kibitzed. Poor Rachel had inherited her mother’s aversion to cooking.

  God it felt good to have a slice of normal for a change. This was the first time she’d seen the kids since their anniversary getaway. A small part of her was worried how the kids would respond if they knew the basement was being turned into a sexual playground.

  Nick looked up and their eyes met. He was so handsome. She was truly a lucky woman. He immediately put the spatula down and came to her. Drawing her close he whispered, “How’re you doing, my Angel?”

  “I’m fine, Nick.” She kissed his whiskered cheek.

  Nick led her to the island. Rachel gave her a quick hug while Robert waited his turn.

  “So, Mom, who did you tick off this time?” Robert kidded her, as he hugged her tight.

  Laura caught Nick’s raised eyebrow and knew he didn’t appreciate Robert being flippant. “Hard telling,” she shrugged. “Probably just a bad driver, not looking where he was going.”

  “That’s why the house has more security than an airport? Seriously, Mom, we aren’t kids anymore. We understand you live a high profile life and that attracts wackos. You don’t need to sugarcoat it.” Rachel let her impatience be known.

  Laura looked to Nick who suddenly seemed interested in dishing up breakfast. Apparently, he’d beefed up security around their home without sharing it with her. Of course she’d been sound asleep for coming up on eighteen hours. “Last I heard, the police don’t know who the idiot was,” Laura explained, “As far as the increase in security, we had a recent personnel change. Two employees were let go for policy violations. One of them lashed out with some hateful comments and a threat or two. He was probably just blowing off steam, but we decided to err on the side of caution.”

  “You mean Dad did.” Robert threw in his two cents.

  “I’m starving over here, do you plan to serve that food anytime soon? It smells heavenly.” Laura didn’t want to discuss work.

  “My stomach’s been growling for an hour. They don’t care.” Rachel hit a few keys on her laptop.

  “Come and get it,” Nick demanded, as he carried two plates to the breakfast nook.

  It felt incredibly familiar as they took their normal spots around the table. The conversation flowed easily while she sampled little bits of the food on her plate. She’d learned long ago, the key for her to stay trim was to eat small portions. Sometimes, like now, it was really hard to do that. The food was delicious and she was just plain hungry. With a sigh, she put down her utensils and pushed the plate a little farther away.

  Nick froze. “Eat it all.” He fixed his eyes squarely on hers, seemingly oblivious to the strange looks both kids were giving them. The room fell silent.

  A small smirk touched Laura’s lips. So, he was going there. Laura allowed a small laugh to ease the tension building between them. “Yes, Sir.” She made sure her comment was infused with amusement. Matching his glare, she pulled the plate back into place and took another bite.

  “You really do need to eat more, Mother. It isn’t healthy for a woman your age to starve herself.” Rachel continued to tell her all the dreadful issues facing a ‘woman of her age’. With blah, blah, blah ringing in her ears, she noticed Nick staring at his plate. His lips were twitching and she was pretty sure he was silently laughing his ass off. She would so make him pay for this…

  The rest of the day flew by and the kids headed back to their apartments. Laura felt oddly at peace. She’d been worried how their D/s would play out around their kids. Now she understood all that nervous tension had been for nothing. Nick would never make it awkward for her. He wanted her happy. How many times would he have to say that before she allowed it to seep into her conscious thoughts?

  Nick lit an old fashioned fire in the hearth. “How are you feeling, Laura?”

  She looked into his eyes and knew what he was really asking her. “I’m feeling a little neglected, Sir. It’s been a long time since you made love to me.” It was getting easier to say things like that.

  Nick looked at his watch and shook his head, “Yes, I have been negligent. It’s been just over twenty-four hours. How do you put up with me?”

  Laura gave an exaggerated sigh, “You get a little stingy on occasion, but I know you’ll make it worth my while eventually.”

  “I’m so glad to hear it.” Nick made sure the blinds were closed and the doors locked. “Present for your Master.” He pointed to the heavily padded carpet near the fireplace.

  She didn’t need any further encouragement. It felt like an eternity since he’d been intimate with her. It was rather shocking to think it was just yesterday. Before their weekend getaway they’d go a week or more without her thinking about sex. Now she needed Nick’s hands on her body and his whispered commands just to relax.

  He’d told her she lacked a balance in her life and it had been so true. Work had consumed her every thought. She hadn’t had a way of escaping the pressure and it was eating her alive. Now she felt happy. She smiled, a genuine, eye sparkling smile, every time she thought of Nick and their activities.

  Slowly and seductively, she shed her clothing. Using her recently gained strength in her upper thighs she bent her knees and inched her way down to the rug. Her knees were bruised, but the heavy padding made the position doable. She stayed kneeling up, with her hands behind her back, pressing her breasts forward.

  “Very nice, subbie. Lay down on your back. I want to talk to you.” Nick stretched out on his side crowding her. He cradled his head in the palm of his hand.

  “I was hoping for a little more action than that, Sir.”

  Nick pinched and tweaked her nipple. “Such a bratty mouth.” As soon as she smiled, he kneaded her breast in his hand soothing the slight ache. “Are you too uncomfortable to enjoy scening tonight?”

  She looked him in the eye, so he’d know she was speaking the truth. “No, Nick, I’m fine. Really.” It was a little scary how responsive her body had become. He could get her juices flowing with a look and she was lost when he used that you-will-obey-me-tone. She couldn’t imagine going back to their old lives.

  And it wasn’t just sex either, though the sex was, well…wow. Each day she needed Nick a little bit more. Honestly, it scared her senseless. She’d never needed anyone. Sure she’d loved him before, but he’d never been an integral part of her. Now, she needed him to breathe.

  Is that how he felt? Is that why he wanted her to accept his collar? Did he need her in the same way?

  Agreeing to wear his collar meant she was accepting his dominance. He’d have certain expectations and she’d be held accountable. She couldn’t use a wall of attorneys to stand between her and a breach of contract suit. She’d answer to Nick for every infraction.r />
  “I want to talk about the kid’s visit today. Did it upset you at breakfast when I told you to finish eating?” His tone was stronger than usual, like her answer was pivotal.

  While he waited for her to respond, he moved her arms over her head and began a slow caress up and down her torso. He knew the more aroused she was the easier it was for her to answer honestly. Apparently, he had no qualms using that information to his advantage.

  “No, did you mind that I was a little flippant in return?”

  “No, I liked it. It gave me a reason to pinken that beautiful ass of yours in the near future.” He shrugged, “I think the kids were expecting a fight and were pleasantly surprised when it didn’t go there.”

  “If we decide to pursue D/s twenty-four seven, would it change the way we interact in front of the kids?”

  “Not in any profound way.”

  Laura nodded and squirmed under his talented fingers. Her nipples were begging for real attention not the light teasing he was giving them. She knew she was growing wet. And impatient.

  “When”—he shrugged—“if”—he looked her in the eye—“you choose to accept my collar, I’d like to have a ceremony at the club. To me, it’s a deep commitment much like marriage. If you’re willing, I’d like to share that with others in the lifestyle.”

  Laura started to pull her arms across her body, an instinctive, protective move to Nick’s surprising announcement. He’d been against taking her to the club. What had caused the about face?

  Nick’s large hand stretched wide, caught her at her elbows and pushed her arms back against the rug. “Don’t pull away from me, love. I know you’re not ready to take that step and I’m okay waiting.”

  With a conscious thought Laura relaxed. “I’m surprised. You’ve been against participating in club activities. What’s changed?”

  Nick smiled and quirked an eyebrow. “It is a departure from my normal stance on the club.” His gaze faltered, like he was trying to put his feelings into words. “Maybe André is rubbing off on me. I don’t know. This is very important to me and I feel it warrants a celebration.”

  It was an important decision and a so much harder step to take than marriage. Agreeing to love and honor him was easy. Obeying was a different story. She’d stricken the word from their marriage vows. Now he was executing an end run. Closing the loop hole. Demanding her submission. And, God help her, she was ready to do it.

  Looking into his deep, blue eyes she knew they’d find their way. “I’m closer than you might think. I’m just worried I’ll disappoint you.”

  Nick’s expression softened. He seemed to relax and let some of the tension ease away. “You could never disappoint me, silly woman. What are you talking about?”

  “I guess I’m trying to micro-manage, but I don’t understand exactly what you want. How would our relationship change? Would I still have a safeword?” Would she have any say in their activities?

  “You’ll always have a safeword and I expect you to use it if necessary.” He waited until she looked him in the eye. “I don’t want a slave. Your daily routine wouldn’t necessarily change. I don’t need a TPE relationship.”

  “I’ve heard of that. Total Power Exchange right?”


  “I’ve read so many different explanations as to what it means that I’m completely lost. To some it means the Master has complete control over his sub. He plans her day, gives her a chore list and expects her to ask if she deviates from his agenda. I don’t think I would enjoy such strict dictates.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’d both be miserable in that type of relationship. Spread your legs.” His hand slowly traveled down her torso to her pussy. He traced along her inner thighs and teasingly ran a finger lightly over her clit.

  Laura pushed up into his palm wanting a firmer hand. Nick gave her a sharp smack on the outside of her leg. “Behave, subbie! You need to learn patience.”

  “Patience is highly overrated. A little action would be preferred.”

  Nick raised one eyebrow and waited.

  “Just a suggestion, Sir.” Hoping that would keep her out of trouble, she flashed him an innocent smile.

  “Such a brat.”

  But to her pleasure he began caressing her again. “Then what do you want, Nick? How would our daily lives change?”

  “I can’t give you a play by play of a normal day. Frankly, I don’t think it would change much at all. It’s simple really, I want you to give me control over three aspects of your life—sex, which you’ve already done, your health and your safety.”

  “Those can be widely encompassing.” She was having trouble forming complete sentences as his hand sent her body into meltdown mode. “Does it mean you have control over what and when I eat?”

  “I don’t need to plan or control your diet, however, when you are obviously still hungry and your body needs nourishment to heal, I want you to eat a decent meal. Will I choose your meals for you all the time? No. Basically, I want veto power. If I think you’re choosing to endanger your health or safety, I will exert control and expect you to accept my decision.”

  She felt it was important to point out, “You’re already doing that.”

  “Yes, I am. I told you when we first started discussing D/s I wouldn’t hide anything from you. You would know exactly where I stood. That doesn’t mean I’m inflexible or that I won’t take your wishes to heart. But I won’t be biting my tongue anymore. Once you wear my collar you will obey me in those three matters or you will be punished.”

  “Punished how?” She still didn’t understand why certain words had a direct line to her pussy, but that didn’t change their potency. Laura had a love/hate relationship with the word punish. It messed with her mind. It had negative connotations and erotic consequences.

  “Any punishment I choose fitting. I would, however, respect your hard limits.”

  Laura nodded, not wanting it any other way. She went all soft inside when he was strict with her. At first her reactions to D/s scared her. It was so unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She’d struggled with releasing control. Now she didn’t want it back. Submitting to Nick was freeing and she basked in his dominance.

  Nick’s hand circled her throat. His hold was gentle and yet commanding. Her clit started to pulse. Ever so slowly Nick’s lips touched hers. His hand slid around and cradled her head in his palm. She surrendered, opening her mouth to his invasion.

  His kisses were truly addicting. When did he learn to kiss like that? She’d swear it hadn’t been that erotic even a month before. Nick seemed to be more comfortable in his skin. The more control she relinquished, the tighter their bond became and the more secure she felt. It didn’t make any sense, but it was the truth.

  As his lips reluctantly pulled away from hers, she started to tell him she was ready. She’d wear his collar with honor and pride. But he spoke first.

  Bending low, Nick whispered in her ear, “I want your ass. Will you give it to me?”

  Oh my goodness. He hadn’t hidden his desire from her. She’d known he wanted to… Oh dear heavens she couldn’t form a complete thought.

  His thumb slid over her clit, once then twice. She arched her back wanting more. “I’m afraid, Nick.” It’s funny how before D/s she would have broken out in a cold sweat admitting she feared something, now it seemed natural.

  “Of what, Angel?”

  “The list is long,” a nervous giggle escaped, “pain, disappointing you.” When he continued to watch her every expression like he could read her mind, she whispered her greatest fear, “liking it.”

  “I plan to make sure you love it.” His hand continued to work magic on her pussy.

  She was so wet. She desperately needed him inside her, she just wasn’t sure where. “It’s so naughty.”

  “What’s wrong with naughty, if it’s safe, sane and consensual?”

  He’d been teaching her that—one mind blowing experience at a time. “You’re right. We can try Nick, b
ut you’re so big, I’m not sure it’s going to fit.” She tried to laugh about it, but it sounded more like a strangled moan.

  “The last plug we used was only a few millimeters smaller than I am. You can take me, Angel. It will be a tight fit though. Are you ready to do this?”

  Oh hell no…was her first thought. Yet she couldn’t deny her curiosity. Nick used the wetness from her pussy to insure his fingers slid smoothly around the rim of her asshole. The sensations were intense. She arched her back, unable to contain her arousal. Nick’s talented mouth found her breast. He lavished his tongue over the peaked nipple, scraping his teeth along the sensitive point, sending her surprised gasp straight to his ego.

  “Yes, Nick.” She was ready.

  He bit down a little harder before releasing her nipple. “Yes, Master.”

  “Yes, Master, I’m ready to try.” And God help her she was. She wanted him to take possession of every inch of her.

  “Much better, my beautiful Angel. Let’s adjourn to the bedroom.” Nick got to his knees before cradling her close to his chest. Once she was in tightly against him he stood up completely and carried her to their bed.

  “We’re going to go slow and you will communicate with me every step of the way.”

  She watched him pull his toy bag out from under the bed. “Okay.”

  “I’m going to blindfold you. Sit up.” He pulled a sleeping mask over her eyes. With his hand on her shoulder he guided her back onto the bed. “Spread your legs.”

  Laura immediately complied. Being blindfolded helped her to relax and narrow her focus. She trusted Nick and had no doubt she was safe with him. He kept in constant contact with her body. Some part of him touching her at all times reassured her he was there with her.