Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Read online

Page 9

  He believed that ultimately, through her submission, she would gain power and self-confidence. Right now, she didn’t understand that and was fighting herself more than him. Still, he didn’t like it.

  “Ms Branson, it is so nice to finally meet you,” Greg spoke in patronizing tones. “I’m the purchasing director for Medirxa.” His eyes wandered over her body while he spoke.

  Nick tamped down the urge to shatter the motherfucker’s nose across his face for objectifying his wife. Instead, he listened attentively as they talked shop. He knew all too well what a womanizing prick Greg actually was. As soon as it was possible to interrupt without being completely rude, Nick did so. “André, please feel free to play through. Laura and I were delayed and fell a bit behind.”

  “We don’t mind playing together,” Greg answered instead. “Let’s face it. We play golf more for the camaraderie than for the joy of smacking balls around.”

  Polite, insincere laughter met Greg’s comment.

  “Besides, I’d like to hear Ms Branson’s opinion.” Stepping closer, invading her personal space, he turned his full attention on Laura and asked, “Do you think the company would gain market share by selling clitoris clamps and dildos?”

  “If you had researched his financials you’d realize his company saw substantial year over year growth. Sexual health products like those that DiscipliNation manufactures are highly profitable and that includes cock rings and penis pumps, Mr Simson. Do you base your purchasing practices on mere opinion?”

  Jim and André turned away snickering. Nick didn’t blame them—he was fighting to keep a straight face too. Laura’s professional tone made him proud. He was also pleased she hadn’t let Simson’s intimidating posture and rough language rattle her. She stood her ground, refusing to take a step back or acknowledge that Greg was a foot taller.

  Nick fought the urge to intervene—he trusted Laura to handle it herself. She’d perfected the ‘peasant, you are nothing but a dirt clod upon my shoe’ tone of voice before this kid had graduated high school.

  “Of course not, Ms Branson.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, Greg. I’m very interested in the exact process you use. Please send me a detailed description of the procedures you follow. I’ll expect it on my desk Monday morning. And just for the record, I prefer the title Mrs”—she paused, until his eyes made the journey from her breasts to her eyes—“Branson.” She slid beneath Nick’s shoulder. “I’ve been happily married to Mr Branson for my entire adult life.”

  “Yes, Mrs Branson.”

  Nick interrupted Greg’s stammering. “I’m sorry, gentlemen”—Nick looked at his watch—“it’s even later than I thought. We’ll have to take a rain check.” With his arm around Laura, he guided her toward the cart.

  André jogged to catch up. “I’m sorry, Laura, Nick. I didn’t realize Greg was such an ass.”

  In a hushed tone, Nick reassured him. “Don’t worry about a thing, André. It’s good seeing you again.” The gentlemen shook hands. “He should be suitably humbled now and easier to negotiate with,” he joked.

  Laughing, André gave a quick wave and sprinted back to his clients, while Nick and Laura headed back to the clubhouse.

  Laura held up her hand. “Please don’t start, Nick. The little putz deserved it, invading my personal space, trying to intimidate me.” She shook her head. “His people skills need refining.”

  As she began to open a file on her cell phone, Nick put his hand over the screen. “No, Angel, no work this weekend.” Calmly he waited, wondering if she would push back.

  Their eyes met. A silent battle of wills ensued. Her face flushed, her pulse beating a tattoo in the artery along her neck.

  “You’re right. This can wait,” she capitulated.

  “Good answer, Angel.” He was so proud of her. A week earlier, she would have been angry that he had cut their game short. And she never would have put up with him putting his hand over her cell screen. If she’d been in a good mood, she would have said it wouldn’t take long and continued. If her mood was less than stellar, she would have gotten nasty and started a hell of an argument.

  “Speaking of answers, I didn’t get yours concerning the club.” She gave him a cutesy smile.

  Was she afraid she was in trouble? They had made more progress than he’d suspected.

  “Subtle, dear,” he retorted, but laughed. They were a few minutes away from the clubhouse. It was better to just get it out in the open. “Being at the club was awkward. I wanted you there, so we could discuss the lifestyle. Even if you weren’t interested, which I assumed, I wanted to have a conversation about it. After I got home, there didn’t seem to be a good time to bring it up. I couldn’t figure out how to broach the subject in such a way that you’d want to learn about it.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

  With a sigh, he began, “Did I enjoy the clubs? Yes and no. From a work perspective, I’m proud of what we accomplished. On a personal level, I enjoyed being immersed in the D/s lifestyle. It’s much different from the porn I’ve watched. I came to understand the deep responsibility that comes with the role and, honestly, I began to want it. You’ve been so independent.” He decided, if they were going to have this conversation, then he was going to be completely honest. “At times, detached.” He thought about it, searching for the right words to explain what he wanted from this. “I craved a symbiotic connection with you.”

  “Symbiotic?” She seemed to consider the meaning behind the word. “As in one cohesive unit?”

  “Yes, Angel. Our relationship had missing pieces for so many years. We loved each other, enjoyed each other, but the primal need for each other was missing.”

  They fell silent as they returned the cart and took care of business. By the time they were back at the hotel, Nick was getting worried. He’d expected Laura to make him crazy with questions and yet, she hadn’t said much at all.

  “Make us a drink, Angel, while I draw us a bath.”

  * * * *

  Laura couldn’t stop thinking about Nick’s experiences at the clubs. All she could picture in her mind’s eye was twenty-somethings in fetwear prancing around her husband. Nothing positive would be gained by thinking about it. It frankly drove her crazy. She knew if she continued to focus on it, she would drive a wedge between them. That was in the past and she needed to focus on the future. Laura made a conscious effort to push it from her mind.

  She had assumed he would have her again as soon as they made it back to their suite. He surprised her with the bath. He’d even remembered her favorite salts. She was spoiled rotten and she knew it. Placing the drinks on the tub ledge, she stood behind him while he checked the temperature. Kneeling on the bathmat, she gave him a back rub. She needed to touch him, to keep their connection going. “I love you, Nick.”

  “I love you, Laura. Now, get naked, woman. This water won’t stay hot forever.”

  She laughed. Before this weekend, Nick had never spoken like that. He could be naughty, but she doubted he had ever called her ‘woman’. She started to go back into the bedroom to undress, then stopped, remembering his earlier instructions. Feeling a little on display, she removed her clothes while he sat and watched.

  “Very nice, Angel.” Taking her hand, he helped her into the tub. “As much as I want to have you again, we need to work through some of your concerns. Whether you like it or not, it’s my job to see to all your needs and right now we need to talk, Angel. I expect you to speak frankly.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Her brain was on overdrive. She didn’t need anyone to see to her needs. She was self-sufficient. And yet, so damned tired of standing alone. Maybe talking with Nick would help.

  So many thoughts were spinning around there was no telling which topic would come out first. Closing her eyes, spreading her arms along the rim of the tub, she sank under the bubbles and just relaxed for a few minutes.

  “Why were you so uncomfortable when we met up with André?”
/>   “Simson was playing at something. He either wanted to embarrass me with the subject matter, or have me voice my opinion so he could use that if his immediate supervisor disagreed with him. His behavior was unprofessional. With me watching him, he slowly checked me out. He invaded my personal space so if I chose to meet his eye, I would have to look up to him. You know the drill. I don’t think he appreciates working for a woman.”

  “You could be right. He submitted an application for membership to André’s club. His background check turned up a couple of domestic abuse investigations. Two women filed complaints, but when it came down to it, neither would file charges.”

  “He’s a predator?” She would have to quietly investigate the issue. If he was pulling that crap at home, he was likely pulling it at work as well.

  “DiscipliNation puts us in an awkward position. I can’t have anything to do with the negotiations if we own stock in the company. I hadn’t known about that. I’ll have to take measures to insure we don’t end up in a conflict of interest suit.”

  “I’m not worried about it, Angel. I know a good lawyer,” he joked.

  “Is André courting Medirxa because of my connection to the company?”

  “No, it just makes good business sense for both companies. André produces medical grade, made in the USA toys, many of which are used for medical purposes, vaginal and anal dilators and so forth. Most of the bigger pharmacies have an online or catalog sexual health department, yet Medirxa hasn’t ventured into that market.”

  “I didn’t know that.” She should have. If she was going to run a company, she should know their product line.

  “Your job is to look at the big picture. You can’t micro-manage the day-to-day operations. That’s not what you’re being paid to do. You took on a company most analysts expected to file for protection from their creditors and quietly disappear. Today, it’s back on the Fortune 500 list. Once the merger goes through, you’ll be in the top one hundred. You’re doing just fine, my love.” He paused until she met his steady gaze. “We aren’t here to talk about work.”

  She nodded in agreement. Her emotions were all over the place. She didn’t need to add work on top of it all.

  “How do you feel knowing I’ve been to the clubs? I know on some level you’re pissed off.”

  This had to be the most honest discussion they’d ever had. As much as she wanted to close down, minimize her vulnerability, she couldn’t miss this opportunity. “Yes, but mostly I’m confused.” She paused, considering what to say next. “You’re very good at the Dominant role. If you learnt it or became comfortable with it at the club, then I’m glad you went. Knowing you saw women dressed in, at most, fetwear, has me upset. It surprises me I’m not more ticked off by you watching people have sex. Don’t know why that one doesn’t gall me, but it doesn’t.”

  Nick’s head moved back and his eyes widened. She was glad she’d given him more than he’d expected. It felt good to please him.

  “Thank you for being honest and telling me. Angel, I love you. I love your body. No one else turns me on like you do.”

  “I highly doubt you were unaffected by your experiences.”

  “Unaffected? No. Men are visual creatures. You know the way my mind works. Mostly my brain followed the ‘Damn, Laura would look fucking hot in that’ train of thought. Honestly, it was the submissive positions and situations that stayed with me. Imagining how you would look on your knees with your hands bound behind your back, your mouth open for my cock.” He shook his head. “I gotta tell ya, Laura. I’m glad you want to try bondage with ropes because I’ve got more than one fantasy about tying you up.”

  “But not at a club.”

  “No, not at a club.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at him, trying to gauge his mood. His tone sounded like a reassurance. Did he think she didn’t want to go? “Why not?”

  Nick studied her face. She never wanted to be a witness interrogated by him. She’d crumble in no time. “What is this about? You checked you had no interest in clubs. I assumed you’d be relieved I didn’t want us to go.”

  “That was before I knew you’ve been to them.” She knew she sounded petulant. It made no sense, even to her. “The water is getting cold. Should we dry off?” She caught the look of disappointment before he turned away.

  Nick released the drain and helped her step out of the tub. “This isn’t a competition, Laura.”

  “I know that, Nick.” Why was she pursuing this? She’d had no interest in clubs until she’d found out he’d been to some. Was it competition? No, it was deeper than that. “Is it because I’m not twenty anymore? Is that why you don’t want to go with me?”

  “What?” His voice had an authentic note. “Why in the world would you think for a moment this is about you?”

  What did that mean? Obviously he didn’t have a problem with the clubs. He’d attended their play nights, he just didn’t want to take her. Therefore, the problem was with her. And men thought they were the logical ones.

  His phone started buzzing. He picked it up, looked at the screen, then threw it on the bed, ignoring it.

  “Laura, I don’t like the idea of other people getting aroused watching us be intimate. Exhibitionism doesn’t get me off. Do I love having you on my arm? Hell yes! Do I love showing you off? Absolutely! I feel like I’m ten feet tall when you submit to me, but I don’t have a desire to share that experience with a club full of people.”

  “You’re right. I don’t either.” And she didn’t. So why was she still disappointed he didn’t want to take her? It didn’t make any sense and yet, there it was. A small part of her worried that he was ashamed of her.

  “Who called?” She wanted to change the subject. She hated that she’d put a wall between them over this. It wasn’t about him, she knew that. The problem was her own insecurities. She needed to just let it go.

  “André.” He sounded reluctant to tell her.

  “He left you a voicemail. Why don’t you listen to it while I put my face back on?”

  She took her time putting on makeup. It was a comforting ritual. Layer after layer of products hid the imperfections from both nature and time. When she was finished, she looked in the mirror. Her jowls were still visible. No matter how much weight she lost, they were still there. Genetic gifts from her mother and grandmothers. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep. Even expensive products couldn’t erase them completely. She’d considered surgery more than once. Eventually, she’d probably go down that road. For now, she’d do what she could to minimize and hide her flaws. Most days, she could look in the mirror and find her reflection acceptable.

  “You are beautiful, as always, my love.” Laura looked up, shocked to see Nick watching her from the bedroom doorway.

  Chapter Five

  “Thank you, Nick.” A sad smile touched her lips. “Why do men get distinguished and women get old? Life’s not very fair.” She laughed, but it sounded forced.

  He kicked himself for not realizing she would think this was about her appearance. She had always focused on her flaws. Her hair was beautiful, thick, healthy and full, yet all she saw were the gray hairs. She had sexy, big breasts. He loved her breasts. When she looked in the mirror, he knew, she saw that one was slightly larger, and they weren’t quite as firm as they had been in high school. Damn.

  He debated telling her about André’s message. Eventually she would ask. If he avoided it, she would assume he had something to hide. Telling her would just expound the current problem. Fuck. “André wants to take us to dinner for screwing up our golf game. He’s been trying to meet up with me for a week or so. If you don’t mind, I think we should just get it over with.” Well, that was a total lie. He wanted to tell the source of his frustration to just fuck off. The money be damned. This club shit was becoming more trouble than it was worth.

  Her expression closed down. “Whatever you think is best, Nick.”

  He nodded and stepped into the bedroom. He noticed Laura lingerin
g near the closet. Was she listening to the conversation?

  “Hey André, sorry I missed your call. We’d love to meet you for dinner, but please don’t think twice about the game. You saved me from having my ass handed to me. This way I can call it a draw and save some face.”

  After they had finalized their dinner plans, Nick threw his phone on the bed and went to his gym bag of toys. From the corner of his eye, he saw Laura tighten the belt of her robe and approach him. Silently, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back. Did she think that robe would protect her?

  He turned in her arms and held her. He loved her so much, but she could frustrate the piss out of him. It was time he started Topping. They both needed it. He drew back a pace and opened his hand. “You will go to dinner wearing this.”

  Her eyes widened looking at his gift. The rubber-ended pair of tweezers had a delicate chain and two large pearl balls attached to the closed end.

  “What is it?” her voice barely a whisper.

  “It’s a clitoris clamp. Much like the nipple bands, it keeps the clit in a state of need.”

  Laura was speechless. Emotions raced across her face too fast to comprehend. “I’d like that, Sir. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Laura. Lose the robe and lie on the bed, face up. Spread your legs, close your eyes and place your hands above your head. Don’t move them until I allow it.” He hoped the clamp would keep her focused at dinner. If it became uncomfortable, he’d allow her to remove it. Her clit was already large and begging for attention. With his mouth watering to taste her, he slowly built her arousal. When she was a lick or two from orgasm, he stopped and attached the clamp. He continued to kiss her thighs and rub her stomach while she caught her breath. It was hard not to bring her over the edge.

  Her frustrated groan had Nick chuckling.

  “You can’t just stop, Nick. I’m dying here.” She rocked her hips in the air trying to entice him to finish.