Bondage Celebration (Desired Discipline) Read online

Page 8

  Laura felt her heart constrict. He was always thinking of her.

  “When are you allowed to come?”

  “After you give me permission, Sir.”

  “Oh, Laura, you’ve come so far in your training. You please me, you know that don’t you?”

  “I want to, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Hold the sides of the desk and don’t let go.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Laying on her desk felt so naughty. Yes the door was locked, but just a few yards away her employees were going about their daily routine.

  Thoughts of other people vanished in a pleasure filled haze at the first caress of his tongue.

  “Rest your legs on my shoulders,” he ordered, as his hands wrapped around her ankles and pulled her slightly past the edge.

  Without the pillow, it would have been very uncomfortable. Nick was always seeing to her care. Even the smallest detail mattered to him. Her resistance to being collared was slipping away.

  His kisses and love bites along her inner thighs built a tension deep within her body. Laura desperately wanted his mouth pulling and sucking her clit, but she knew it was useless to ask and dangerous to demand. Nick would find some devious means to reinforce he was in charge. Maybe withhold the orgasm that was gaining in force, threatening to become as necessary as breathing. Or worse, give her a couple of forced orgasms. That was a lesson she didn’t care to revisit—ever!

  Slowly, his mouth neared her clit. She tried to remain perfectly still, willing his tongue to bring her home. It was excruciating. The pleasure racking her body was impossible to contain. “Please, Master, more. I need more.”

  His warm breath as he chuckled against her clit almost brought her relief. “Not yet, Laura, you haven’t earned it. What did I tell you about orgasming?”

  He expected both her mouth and brain to function? She could do this. She forced her body to relax and her brain automatically worked to answer her Master. “All my orgasms must be earned. None of them will come quickly or easily, but all of them will be worth it.”

  Nick’s fingers dug into her thighs and he cleared his throat. Taking her clit into his mouth he murmured, “Uhm, hmm.”

  Her orgasm snuck up on her. “Please, Master, may I come?” Oh, God, let him say yes. Please say yes. Please, please, please say yes!

  She felt his hands move from her thighs to pinch her nipples. With his mouth around her clit, between licks, he ordered “Now. Come for me now, Angel.”

  Nick’s warm breath sent her plummeting over the edge. She flew like the hawk riding the wind just outside her window. The giant glass wall was forgotten. Her employees’ proximity was erased from her mind as pleasure and freedom wrapped her in a blanket of power. It was a heady, addicting drug she wanted to experience again and again.

  * * * *

  Nick carried Laura into her private bathroom and set her on the vanity. Wetting a washcloth with warm water, he ordered, “Open your legs.” Very gently he cleaned her pussy, gratified that she no longer argued with him in matters of aftercare. He had to keep moving forward, gaining her trust and submission one step at a time.

  Laura leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re still dressed.” She brushed her hand over his aching cock. “And…needy.”

  He fisted her hair, tipping back her head. He’d meant to chastise her for touching him without permission. She couldn’t do that with his cock already throbbing. It wouldn’t take much to unman him.

  After looking into her eyes the thought vanished. He was lost. Of its own volition his mouth descended upon hers. Those lips, so soft and full were a temptation he couldn’t resist.

  Reveling in her taste, it dawned on Nick just how infrequently they kissed. As time had gone by, they’d allowed the fire to sputter out. It was wrong. He missed the sexy feel of her lips moving over his. With his teeth, he drew her bottom lip into his mouth to suck and tease. Slowly, and with a passion that’d been missing from his kiss for years, he made love to her to mouth.

  Laura ran her fingers through his hair tugging and pulling while she used her tongue to make him crazy. The feel of her nails scraping along his scalp drove him insane with need. He’d only intended to see to her orgasm, to make this afternoon about her. Now his need refused to be ignored.

  Like a man possessed, he released his pants, shoved down his underwear and freed his cock. Swinging Laura into his arms, he then eased her pussy down onto his cockhead. Laura tipped her head back, a satisfied moan escaped her lips. “Hard, Sir. Fuck me hard.”

  “Squeeze that cock, subbie.” She slid farther down his shaft, stealing more and more of his control. “Good girl. Now, wrap your legs around my hips and hang on. You’ve got me so hot, Laura, I can’t possibly be gentle.”

  He swung around until her back was up against the wall. Using his hips and knees he pumped into her again and again.

  “Oh, Master, you’re so big.” Laura’s eyes were closed, her hands were in his hair pulling and tugging with each stroke. “More,” she begged.

  Nick growled—feral and untamed, exactly how he felt. Slamming into her pussy, harder and harder, he felt her clit grow and ready for another orgasm. Laura’s moans and coos mixed with his. God, he loved her. How in the hell had he lived without this for so long?

  “Please, Master, I’m going to come.”

  “Yes, my subbie. Come for me, now.”

  Laura’s torso went rigid. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed as she came for him again. Nick continued to rock in and out of her pussy as jets of cum filled her. He locked his mouth over hers to muffle their screams, knowing Laura would be mortified if someone in the hallway overheard their lovemaking.

  He wasn’t entirely sure lovemaking was the correct term for what they’d just done. He certainly loved her with every inch of his body, his heart and soul, but the raw, unleashed fucking they’d just experienced seemed incongruent with the gentle images the term lovemaking inspired.

  “Nick, I can’t believe we just did that.” Her hand covered her swollen lips abraded by his five ‘o’clock shadow. “We weren’t like this on our honeymoon. Did you know it could be this good?”

  Her voice held a special tone. His ego decided it was awe and his cock concurred. Before he got hard again, Nick pulled out of her body. Jessica would be back soon. He didn’t want anything to ruin their time together.

  Nick kept his arm around her waist, until he was sure she was steady on her feet. “No, Laura. Making love to you has always been special, but I didn’t know it could be this good. Had I known, nothing would have stopped me from possessing you.”

  Again, he sat her on the vanity and cleaned her intimately. “Stay here.”

  After pulling up his pants, he retrieved her clothes from the couch. “Obviously, we don’t kiss enough.”

  “I don’t think we’ve ever kissed like that.” Laura blushed as she pulled on her pantyhose.

  “I’m not sure where along the way we lost our direction and I’m not going to waste our future on woulda, coulda, shouldas, but going forward, I plan to enjoy those lips much more often. And not just around my cock, although I like that and plan to enjoy it at every opportunity too.”

  Laura chuckled.

  Nick watched and waited as she slid her arms through her bra and turned silently asking him to latch it for her. Once her skirt and blouse were back in place, she reached out her hand for him to steady her while she stepped into her heels.

  He smiled enjoying yet another small victory. Before BA, Laura wouldn’t have dreamed of allowing him to help her in any way. He was slowly breaking down her defenses. She was accepting his assistance without hesitation.

  Retaining her hand, he walked with her back into the office. He took a seat on the couch and pulled her onto his lap. Her head naturally fell to his shoulder as they cuddled. His cock bobbed against her thigh, threatening to wake up and play again. Between the feel of her body pressed so tightly against him and her submission becoming more and more instinctive, Laura was imp
ossible to resist.

  They enjoyed a few quiet moments. Nick reveled in the feel of Laura on his lap and in his arms. He’d been in her office hundreds of times, yet he’d never dreamt they would share such intimacy within this space.

  “Nick, in the card you sent me with the collar, you said we would negotiate the terms. What did you mean?”

  She sounded quiet, maybe timid, far from the confident business woman he knew her to be. He wasn’t sure she would ever accept his collar. She was fiercely independent. It would be difficult for her to embrace his dominance permanently.

  He recognized it was too late for them to turn back. Neither could live with the half-life they’d endured before their Bondage Anniversary. They could only go forward. He was proud of her for taking the first step.

  “D/s means different things to different couples. For some it’s strictly about service. Sex isn’t really a big part of it. Some couples consider D/s to be roles played only in their bedroom. For others it touches every aspect of their lives. And some move into Master/slave agreements.”

  “In the books I’ve read and the information I’ve found on the internet they all seem to have different definitions. I wasn’t even sure if I should call you Master.”

  “I like when you call me Master. To me the term denotes a committed relationship. I belong to you as your Master and you belong to me as my submissive. To my way of thinking, Sir is more appropriate for partners before they’ve made a commitment to each other.”

  Laura nodded. “So even subs call their Doms Master?”

  “Yes, some do. Again, Laura, there aren’t any hard and fast rules, except inside clubs. There, members are expected to follow a certain code of conduct. That doesn’t mean members follow those same guidelines outside the club, though. For example, at DiscipliNation all Doms should be addressed as Sir or Mistress. Masters are denoted by a black armband. A Dom gains Master’s rights by successfully completing the training requirements. Doms wearing a black armband are addressed as Master and their first name by submissives. It’s just a show of respect. Doms are not allowed to speak to a collared sub without their Dom’s permission. Again, it’s a show of respect.”

  “Do you have Master’s rights at DiscipliNation?”

  “Yes. I developed the courses with the help of Masters who have lived the lifestyle for many years. Sometimes an outside party can recognize the pitfalls easier than someone who has been practicing safely for many years. After talking to the managers of the clubs, I realized that safety becomes so engrained in those immersed in the lifestyle, they find it hard to consider a newbie might try something stupid out of ignorance. It’s one of the reasons André demands all new members go through a training class.”

  He didn’t want to talk about the clubs. If Laura was willing to discuss the possibility of accepting his collar, he didn’t want their discussion to get off track. “What about a twenty-four seven D/s relationship bothers you?”

  Laura was silent for so long, Nick feared she wasn’t going to answer. “Maybe I don’t understand what you mean by twenty-four seven. In my mind, I would be submissive to you in all aspects of life. I can’t do that. The very idea of giving up control over what I wear to work or what I eat or asking permission to use the restroom scares the crap out of me. I’m sorry, Nick. I just can’t do that.”

  Nick rubbed her back and rested his chin on the top of her head. She was describing a slave. They were closer to an agreement than he’d thought. Hope was beginning to grow, just barely more than a seed, but it scared him. If he allowed hope to live and thrive he’d be even more vulnerable.

  Damn it. It was too late. Hope had taken root. He prayed Laura wouldn’t rip it out.

  “What you’re describing sounds like a strict Master/slave arrangement. I don’t want that type of control over you. Did you mind when I told you what to wear during our weekend getaway?”

  “No. That was different. I wasn’t going to work or to a professional function. When we went out to dinner with André, you told me to wear the clamp, but you didn’t choose my clothes.”

  “Your clothes are important to you, Laura. You always look lovely. Immaculate really. I wouldn’t dream of taking that away from you. I want our D/s to enhance your life, not detract from it.”

  “I guess I don’t understand what you want.”

  “I want your submission.” He spoke softly, afraid to break the moment. Laura was talking to him, discussing the possibility of a twenty-four seven, collared, D/s relationship. He had to be honest, but he was so afraid of saying the wrong thing. “We can negotiate what that means to us.”

  “The collar locks in place using a special tool. Would I wear it all the time? Even to work?” He knew she was using her professional voice as a coping mechanism, but it pissed him off. She sounded like they were hammering out the details of a business arrangement, not something he considered even more sacred than marriage.

  “Yes. I specifically chose one that in many ways resembles a regular piece of jewelry. To those in the lifestyle, it would be recognizable. You and I would know what it represented.”

  “On the Internet, I read that some consider a collar a symbol of ownership. I’m beginning to think you consider it something different. What exactly does the collar represent to you?”

  “You own my heart. It belongs to you. But no, Laura, I do not consider you property, if that’s what you’re asking. You are the other half of my soul, my partner in life. We complement each other. As a Dominant, I want, even need, to control you. As a submissive you want, and I hope need, me to dominate you. You have to admit our sex life before D/s was pale in comparison.”

  Laura smiled and nodded in agreement. “Our sex life now is hotter than any fantasy I ever imagined. Yes, I want you to have control in the bedroom.”

  She was quiet, but he didn’t think she’d finished. He held his tongue and waited. “Yes, I need it.” Her voice, when she finally spoke, was a mere whisper. He tightened his arms around her, knowing how difficult it was to admit.

  “Laura, the only other aspect of our lives where I need control is your safety. You take chances, reckless chances, and it kills me inside. You knew Simson was a predator. You knew I was handling it and yet you went against my direct command. Now this bastard has made specific threats against you. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”

  Laura pulled away from his chest and he immediately felt the loss. “He was targeting my employees. Because I initiated the investigation we were able to get evidence the police can use to convict him. Even considering the threats, I don’t think I would change how it went down. I’m sorry, Nick. I don’t mean that as a slight to you. I just think I handled it the only way I could.”

  Nick counted to ten and took several deep breathes. He pulled her back against his chest and cradled her head in the palm of his hand until she relaxed against him. “I should have kept you in the loop, but when this started I considered it simply a club matter. He’d applied for membership. During the routine background check, we found several domestic abuse charges. As we looked into it further, we discovered some pretty disturbing allegations. We had private investigators talking to the victims. The IT guys had remotely accessed their laptops and downloaded the videos. We knew who the victims were over a week ago and were trying to convince them to work with the police. We wanted an airtight case before we made our move. Now he’s trying to cover his tracks, destroy evidence and threaten possible witnesses. He hasn’t returned to his apartment, he emptied his bank account and no one knows his whereabouts.”

  Laura shivered. Nick recognized she was beating herself up inside. “You’re a shrewd CEO, you can take failing businesses and make them amazingly profitable. It isn’t your job to consider collecting sufficient evidence to build a prosecutable case. I just wish you had trusted me to handle it, but I’ll admit I should have kept you better informed.”

  After several moments, she murmured softly to him. “I’m sorry, Nick.”

rocked her back and forth, wishing he hadn’t just turned her world on its ear. After a few minutes, her body began to relax against his. Her heartbeat was slowing down. “I love you, Laura.”

  She gave him a peck on the cheek. “I love you too, Nick.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw ropes or cables dangle in front of the window. Adrenaline surged through his body. What the fuck was going on?

  Laura turned, her body began to shake and laughter filled his ears. “Spiderman’s here to wash the windows. Thank God, he didn’t arrive an hour or so earlier!”

  Chapter Five

  The rest of the afternoon just crawled. It didn’t help that her ass still stung. Every time she shifted her weight, she remembered their delicious time together. It messed with her mind. In some strange way, she relished the discomfort since it served as a poignant reminder of their time together.

  Laura hit the intercom, “Jessica, please let James know, I’ll be leaving shortly.” She’d adjusted to having a perpetual shadow at work. James tried his best to stay in the background as much as possible and she’d learned to stay in her office and let others come to her. It wasn’t her style of management, but she could live with it until Simson was out of the picture.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  While Laura was sliding her laptop into her briefcase, she spotted the box Nick had sent her. Damn. She knew he’d spent a small fortune. She really needed to put it in the safe, or around her neck…

  James was waiting in the outer office. It was easy to tell Jessica had it bad for James, but from what Laura could see, James was keeping a professional distance.

  “Have a good night, Jessica. Don’t stay late. There’s nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.” Jessica was such a trooper. No matter how many nights Laura stayed late, Jessica was right there beside her without a single complaint. If Laura was calling it a night, Jessica should too.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m right behind you.”

  James and Laura walked in silence to the elevator. Once the doors closed, James began issuing his orders. “As we exit the building, I need you to stay within arm’s reach behind me. Once we enter the garage we won’t be stopping until we reach the car. If someone approaches you, I will wave them off. And before you give me trouble, I’ll give you the courtesy of explaining.”