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Bondage Celebration (Desired Discipline) Page 7

  She watched them shake hands before Evan took his place in the driver’s seat. Without speaking, he put the car into gear and headed toward the freeway.

  At the first stop light, her bodyguard tried to establish the pecking order. “Mrs Branson, I understand you don’t want a security detail and I can respect that. Lots of clients think it’s unnecessary until the first attempt on their life occurs. Occasionally, said attempt is successful because the client chooses to disobey or subvert a precaution their bodyguard had instigated for their safety.”

  Laura started to speak. Evan raised his hand, his index finger extended, “Please let me finish.” After Laura nodded, he continued. “You’re a very powerful business woman. I’m sure you don’t take orders from someone you deem unworthy. Well ma’am, I’m risking my life to insure yours. I don’t do that lightly. I make damn sure the person I agree to step in front of in a hostile situation is worthy. Mr Branson is a man I deeply respect. He asked me to take this job.

  “You might not like me. You might not think a bodyguard is necessary and personally I hope you’re right. However, I need to know if I give you an order you will follow it—because, ma’am, it might very well mean the difference between life and death. Specifically, your life or your death.”

  Laura let silence ride between them while they drove through the busy mid-morning traffic. “That was quite the speech. Well delivered. Perfect matter-of-fact tone. Even though I was looking for it, I didn’t detect any condescension.”

  She watched the vein on the side of his brow throb. Why was she pushing his buttons? Oh yeah, because he expected her to follow his orders and his reasoning made sense. And that pissed her off. And went against her grain.

  “Mr Evan, I respect the position you’re in. However, I don’t take orders, I give them.” Now it was her turn to shake her finger and stop him from interrupting.

  “Obviously Mr Branson has faith in your abilities, therefore I will assume you are more knowledgeable in matters of security than I am. That being said, I expect to be included in the decision making process as much as possible.”

  They drove another block in silence. “Okay, Mrs Branson, as often as possible, I will discuss the options and explain the foreseeable outcome for each option. Forgive me in advance if I deem it necessary to shove you to the ground to avoid a bullet or knife without first discussing it with you.”

  “Point taken, Mr Evan.”

  “Glad to hear it, Mrs Branson. In the future, I request you ride in the backseat. If we’re followed, or if another car takes an aggressive action, I’ll need you to lay flat against the seat. If said assailant can’t see you, it makes it slightly more difficult for them to shoot you. In the front seat, if such a need arises, your face will be up close and personal with my crotch. I’ve found it difficult to concentrate on work when women have their mouths in that area and would prefer to not have my attention divided.”

  Laura chuckled. She could see why Nick liked him. He was funny. She still intended to give him hell, but she would follow his advice. “I’m so glad you know your limitations, Mr Evan. I will be happy to ride in the backseat from now on.”

  Chapter Four

  Nick’s mind kept straying from the task at hand. Updates on their active cases and rundowns of perspective clients weren’t in the same ballpark as the scene he’d shared last night with Laura. He’d never seen her sexier. His cock was getting hard just remembering her.

  The vibration of his cell phone pulled him back to the present. Yesterday, the naughty, salacious texts Laura had sent him had kept a silly smile plastered on his face. John, his Personal Assistant, had given him more than one odd look during the day. It had been fun and he missed it. After this morning’s argument, Laura had been silent. As much as he wanted to make her happy, he refused to relent in matters of her safety.

  He didn’t care if it was rude or unprofessional, he dug his phone from his pocket. A text from Laura. About fucking time.

  Is James single?

  Cold rage seized his body. Why did she want to know that? He read the text again. Son of a bitch! His job was to protect her, not fuck her. Locking her in the playroom was sounding better and better.

  He stood quickly, sending his chair skittering into the wall. All eyes spun toward him. “I’m leaving for the day. Raymond, you’re in charge.”

  On the drive to her office, his brain started to consider other reasons why Laura might wonder about James. Knowing his wife, she didn’t want a married man risking his life for her. Another plausible excuse was one of the girls in the office had taken an interest in James. Laura would want to make sure the girl didn’t get her heart broken.

  All of those reasons made perfect sense, but he didn’t turn the car around. He needed to see with his own eyes and hear it from her mouth that they were okay. It bothered him that they’d parted this morning without clearing the air between them.

  Nick didn’t fool himself, he knew Laura held all the power. She could destroy him heart and soul, if she chose to. He’d handed her his balls on a silver platter. Maybe over time, as they found their way in D/s, he would feel less vulnerable. Arguments and day to day bullshit wouldn’t stress him out.

  Nick headed first to the security office. Oscar stood waiting for him in front of a wall of video screens. After shaking hands, Oscar got right to the point, “I forwarded the video to the police as you requested. They have it under advisement. If they act on it, at best, he’ll receive a slap on the wrist.” Nick found Oscar’s no nonsense, get straight to the matter at hand, style refreshing.

  “Here, let me show it to you.” Oscar queued the video.

  Nick then watched the surveillance tape of the two men interacting with the severance team. His stomach turned, hearing the threats Simson made against Laura. “It’s documentation, Oscar. A paper trail in the event this escalates.”

  It also showed Simson, a young, physically fit man, making an aggressive move toward Oscar. Knowing it mattered to Laura, Nick wanted to make sure Oscar was protected in the event Simson decided to press charges or sue for damages.

  Oscar’s gray hair and well weathered face gave, at first glance, the impression he was a harmless old man. His long sleeved shirt concealed his muscled arms and the hours he spent in the gym working with a heavy bag.

  Watching the tape, no one would guess that Oscar, cognizant of the camera taping every move made, had whispered a derogatory comment inciting the prick to take a swing. Nick extended his hand, “Thank you for all your hard work on this. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen to her on my watch. I’ll make sure of it,” Oscar assured him.

  “Do me a favor, don’t give Laura a head’s up that I’m here. I want to surprise her.” Nick patted Oscar on the back as left the room.

  “You got it, Mr B.”

  Nick entered the elevator code granting him access to the penthouse. As the doors opened, he watched Jessica jump from her desk in surprise.

  “Mr Branson, I hadn’t heard you were in the building. Is Mrs Branson expecting you?” Nick noticed she kept looking back to her computer screen probably wondering if she’d missed the notification that he was on his way up.

  Nick nodded in greeting to James. “No, Jessica, I thought I would surprise her. Is there anything pressing on her calendar for the next hour or so?”

  “No, Sir. Nothing that can’t wait.”

  “Excellent. James, why don’t you take Jessica to lunch? Please include it on your expense report. Some place nice like the Racket Club.”

  “I’d be happy to.” Nick was glad James nodded in understanding. “We will be back after an hour or so.”

  “Perfect. You two enjoy yourselves.”

  Before Jessica could alert his wayward wife, Nick barged into Laura’s office. To his surprise, she was staring out of the window instead of at a computer screen or stack of papers.

  “Nick! Is something wrong? I didn’t know you were her
e.” Concern was etched across her beautiful face.

  Part of him was disgusted with himself for worrying she may have been attracted to James. “In the way you mean, no. Everything is fine. However, my naughty subbie expressed an interest in another man. Do you think a good Dom would allow such a transgression to go unpunished?”

  The look on Laura’s face had Nick laughing. A deep, down in his belly, cathartic laugh.

  “You can’t be serious. You didn’t drop everything, drive over here and enter the building covertly just to check up on me—did you?”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Nick was still smiling.

  “Well, Sir, I think you have our roles reversed. I’m the ridiculously jealous one. You are supposed to be the calm, ‘I have this covered’ one.”

  Nick raised one eyebrow. Laura was in a playful mood. He liked that. “My sub was very naughty this morning. She left her Master with an unsettled feeling between them. That’s unacceptable in our post BA relationship.”

  “Post BA? What is that? A bachelor of arts degree in D/s?” Laura teased him.

  He was glad he’d made an ass of himself and left the meeting in a jealous rage. Their disagreement this morning had upset him more than he’d realized. He must have checked his phone fifty times hoping to see a text from her. Yesterday’s texts had been a treat.

  Just seeing her face and knowing they were okay allowed him to breathe again. “Post our Bondage Anniversary.”

  “Ahh, that makes more sense. Obviously you’ve surpassed a bachelor’s and earned a Master’s degree in Dom-in…erring and arrogant behavior.” Laura’s eyes were alight with mischief.

  “Oh, I see how it is, subbie.” Nick lowered the tone of his voice. “Come here and present to your Master.”

  Laura glanced first to the door then the wall to wall window behind her. “Nick, Jessica is right there and it’s day time. Anyone could see in through the window.”

  “Your Dom issued an order and expects it to be followed. However, I appreciate that you brought your concerns to me. I will be happy to discuss them with you as you assume the position.” Nick knew he was testing her. She had him off kilter and he wanted reassurance that she was still committed to their D/s.

  Laura moved toward him slowly, a little hesitantly. As she walked, her hands began unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Good girl.” Laura smiled and seemed genuinely pleased to have made him happy. “Jessica and James are taking a long lunch. As far as the window,” he waved his hand in front of the glass, “this building is the tallest for miles. We’re on the top floor. Unless Spiderman decides to pay us a visit, I think we’re safe.”

  Nick locked her office door before clearing her desk.

  “Thank you, Sir. I appreciate that you made this time together possible. I’ve been thinking about you.” Laura tossed her blouse and bra onto the couch.

  “I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve been thinking of you spread across this desk while I eat my pussy for lunch.” He watched her hands falter at the zipper of her skirt.

  “So my Master is hungry? I’m such a lucky sub.” Laura’s voice had taken on a breathy, pure sex tone that tightened his balls and grew his cock until his pants were too tight for comfort.

  “We will see if you feel that way after I’ve taken my belt to that beautiful ass of yours. You didn’t think I would overlook your bratty behavior, did you?”

  Laura added her skirt and pantyhose to the pile before kneeling in front of her desk.

  Nick slowly walked around Laura. “So beautiful.” He kept his voice soft and tender. Standing directly in front of her, he noticeably changed his pitch. “Present your tits to me,” his demeanor was now formal and slightly distant.

  Her hands lifted her breasts and pushed them toward him. Her actions were automatic. Gently, he stroked his fingers over her already hardened nipples.

  “Very nice. I like how responsive they’ve become.”

  Laura opened her mouth as if to comment then closed it again. She must have remembered while in the presenting position she was only allowed to speak when he asked a direct question. “Good girl. Your form is lovely and you’re conscious of the protocols. Before you know it, they will be second nature.”

  He waited, drawing out the silence between them. To her credit, she remained quiet. Only her rapidly beating pulse gave away her discomfort. “Remove my belt.”

  Nick watched her hands tremble as she pushed the loose end of his belt through the loop. As she continued, he reinforced her punishment. “Why are you being disciplined?”

  “I was getting bratty with my Master.”

  “And?” He pushed her to think it through.

  “I,” she pulled the belt through the loops, “questioned my Master after he gave me a direct order.”

  Nick noted her eyes were dilated. He was confident she was getting wet. “Yes, Laura, you did. Twice. Twice today! Once you wear my collar, I expect you to accept my protection.”

  “I haven’t agreed to twenty-four seven so technically this morning doesn’t count.”

  Nick wondered why she drew the distinction. “Laura, you do realize I want a sub not a slave, right?”

  “Of course.”

  She answered quickly, too quickly. Coupled with her furrowed brow and shifting gaze, Nick knew she wasn’t nearly as confident as her statement implied. The clock was ticking. They didn’t have unlimited time and he needed to make love to her before their audience returned.

  “Present the belt to me and ask for your punishment.” Nick was drawing her further into the lifestyle with each scene. Every time they played, he introduced or clarified expected protocols.

  The air rushed from Laura’s lungs. He’d surprised her. “Master, please discipline your sub, so she can learn to please you.” The vulnerable shake to her voice touched his heart and yet his brain questioned whether she meant what she’d said.

  She sounded sincere. Her face solemn yet he suspected she was toying with him. “Oh, subbie, your submission is a gift I don’t take lightly.”

  Nick took the belt, looped it in half and carried it in his right hand. With his left, he helped her off her knees and led her to the couch. Sitting down, he guided her across his lap. “You will take four swats. I will not be holding back. Your ass will be striped and tender for some time to follow. Each time you sit, I expect you to think about how important your safety is to me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He draped the belt across her back so he could use both hands to knead her ass. By bringing the blood closer to the surface it reduced the possibility of bruising. “Explain what’s about to happen.”

  “You’re going to discipline me with your belt. Afterward, each time my butt stings I’m supposed to remember you care about my safety.” Her voice was strangled, from fear or arousal Nick wasn’t completely sure. He ran two fingers from her clit to her pussy.

  His fingers were slick from her wetness.

  “This will hurt, Laura. Are you ready?”

  She nodded.

  Nick waited. It was close to thirty seconds before Laura remembered to answer out loud.

  “Yes, Sir. I understand and I’m ready,” she whispered.

  He needed to get on with it. Her knees started to shake. What was he waiting for?

  Why was she allowing this? He’d told her, straight up, he planned to hurt her. What was she doing? And why in hell was she excited?

  Her mind whirled. Four swats weren’t very many. She could handle it. Hopefully…

  A sharp, surprised groan escaped a second before her ass stung and burned like never before. On second thought, maybe four was excessive. She wasn’t sure she could take three more. Damn it. He wasn’t kidding. Her ass hurt!

  The second strike landed at the edge of the first. She understood now why he’d chosen four. Considering the width of the belt he could only fit four without striking her thighs or landing a blow over the top of another. Tears sprang to her eyes. She refus
ed to admit to crying. It was simply moisture choosing a bad place to pool.

  Laura flinched when the belt draped over her back. The cool leather was the direct opposite to the fire it lit along her skin from a swat. Nick’s hands rubbed her sore as hell flesh. At first touch, it hurt. She wanted to pull away, but forced her body to lay flat and accepting. As soon as she relaxed, the searing sting eased to a pleasurable heat.

  No longer fighting, she completely surrendered. Nick’s legs shifted, bearing her full weight. An odd feeling of peace washed over her. Even though she had two more coming and they would hurt, really hurt, Nick would take care of her.

  It didn’t matter that he was causing the pain. On a level she didn’t completely understand, she needed the swats.

  Nick drew the belt from her back. “Are you ready, Laura?”

  She knew what he wanted and she gave it willingly. “Yes, Master, please finish my discipline.” With a conscious effort, she released every ounce of tension within her body.

  In quick succession, Nick completed striping her ass. “You bear my marks like a good subbie.”

  Laura would never request they play using his belt. She suspected it would be several hours, maybe longer, before sitting would be comfortable. And yet, she was happy. Before Nick barged into her office, she’d been on edge and bitchy. Now she was calm. Go figure.

  Nick’s hands grabbed and rubbed, turning both her butt and brain to mush.

  “Now, subbie, it’s time you fed your Master. Get up on your desk and serve me lunch.”

  Laura giggled. “You’re bad, Sir.”

  “And you love it.”

  Yes, he spoke the truth, “With all my heart!”

  The cold, smooth feel of the glass topper along her back and butt took her breath away. She wasn’t sure if the scorching heat from her ass warmed the glass or if it was the other way around. All she knew was it helped.

  Nick brought a throw pillow from the couch. “Lift up your ass. I’m going to slide this underneath you so you can scoot to the end without the edge hurting you.”