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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Page 6

  “For the length of a scene.”

  He was being vague on purpose, making it clear he was in charge. She had to trust him. “It should be fine.”

  “I see you had a lot of cross-outs on your original list in the discipline section. What had you seconding-guessing your choices?”

  “I guess my attention strayed. I forgot to consider each choice with regard to discipline, so I made my choices and kept going. When I got down to section five, I realized the mistake I’d made.” Did she risk baring her soul a little here? She didn’t want him thinking she was a wuss, but if he didn’t know what was difficult for her, he wouldn’t be able to push the right buttons. “My first response was to mark them all ‘not interested’, except for maybe spanking. I have a mental block when I think about being disciplined.” She laughed a little. “Part of me thinks I shouldn’t put anything in the ‘want to try’ section. The whole idea of punishment sends me into some weird physical-emotional meltdown. Physically, my girlie parts go into hyper-drive. Emotionally, I want to run and hide. I’m so conflicted. A tiny, stupid part of me thinks if it’s discipline, I shouldn’t have a say. It should be completely at your discretion. And the control freak part of me wants to micro-manage it down to the number of swats, the intensity level and so forth.”

  “I appreciate your honesty. I can see how it would be a difficult proposition. Rest assured, your limits will be respected, but your micro-managing tendencies have no place in our sex life. Not anymore. When you were reading the stories, did those scenes excite you?”

  Again, his specific question made it easier to answer. “Yes, but they were imaginary. The first swat you gave me hurt a lot more than I expected. I almost said stop after the second. I couldn’t imagine sitting still for six. In the books, the girls take thirty or more. I still don’t know if I could do that. Your touch helped distract me.”

  “You weren’t relaxed. You were fighting it. Tell me if I’m wrong, but by the fourth swat you were getting into it.”

  “You’re right. I was kind of wishing I’d kept you waiting a minute or two longer.”

  “I thought so. And just for the record, I have no idea if you were a minute late.”

  They both started laughing.

  Chapter Three

  “Have you had any problems with your punishments so far?”

  “No. But if I don’t come soon, I might change my mind.” She tried to interject humor, but it was getting damn near impossible to think about anything except her throbbing pussy.

  “Not without permission, Laura. I decide when you orgasm.”

  She groaned. Why did his statements jack her arousal up a notch? Holy shit, she was in for the ride of her life if she could just get the courage to step out of the driver’s seat.

  “I think we’re on the same page with discipline. Any concerns we need to address there?”

  “No.” She just couldn’t talk about it and from his list they seemed to agree on most things.

  “I’m not interested in pony play, Angel. I see here you marked need more information. What aspects intrigue you? Maybe we can find a compromise.”

  She looked into his eyes. Admitting ignorance was difficult for her. In a business meeting, she would have feigned a time crunch and tabled the discussion for a later date. She couldn’t do that here. “I need more information, because I don’t know what it is.” Okay, that wasn’t so bad. She hadn’t keeled over dead. Just a nasty taste in her mouth. Nothing too horrible.

  “You read a story about a club that offered pony races.” He must have recognized her lost expression. “Remember the story with Raven and Joseph? The next morning they went and watched the pony races.”

  “I remember that now. I thought they were talking about actual horse racing and skipped that section. Crap!”

  “Read through it and if it interests you, we can talk about it.”

  She nodded. Knowing the best defense was a strong offense, she decided to meet her biggest worry head on. “You want to try anal sex.”

  “Yes, Angel, I do. I noticed you marked not interested, but you’re okay with plugs. Why are you making the distinction?”

  Could the ground just open up and let her disappear? Her bum still felt slippery from his latest invasion. “You’re too big, Nick. Just your thumb felt tight. There’s no way I could take your…” She let the sentence drop, sure he understood her meaning.

  “Cock, Angel. We are discussing me fucking your ass with my cock.”

  Was dirty talk as big a turn-on for him as his Dom demeanor was for her? It must be. She nodded in silent understanding.

  “I believe it’s very possible. Not today perhaps or even this weekend, but we can train your ass to accept me. We’ll take it off the list for now. Once we’ve experimented with plugs, we can re-examine the idea. Are you okay with that? You know you have final veto power. If you never want to try it, I’ll respect your wishes. I’m just asking you to keep an open mind. How does that sound?”

  It sounded like he wanted more than her mind open. Almost every book she read had an anal sex scene and she was curious, just not enough to try it. “I can do that. As I was filling out the form, I assumed it would be necessary to revisit our lists after we had more experience.”

  “Absolutely.” He looked slightly relieved.

  Had he expected more pushback? Probably. This whole discussion was so far out of her comfort zone it was practically in a separate hemisphere.

  “I have a few concerns on the next section. Let’s talk about nipple clamps.”

  She giggled like a schoolgirl. How could he say that with a straight face? We could be discussing the weather or what to have for dinner. “Yes, let’s talk about nipple clamps.” She put her hands over her face.

  “I’m so glad you see it my way. I’ll be back in a minute. Go close the curtains.”

  Excitement swirled in the pit of her stomach and lower still. Once the curtains were closed, she wrapped her arms over her breasts, suspecting what was about to happen. From what she’d read it was uncomfortable at first. She didn’t know what kind of pain threshold she had in that area, but she suspected not much.

  Returning to the room, he laid several different styles of clamps on the table. Some were quite pretty with adornments dangling from the tip, though others looked like Marquis de Sade implements. “This is the style you wanted to try.” He picked up a pair of clover clamps and used his finger to explain how they worked. “Each time the chain is tugged the clamp squeezes tighter. I’m not comfortable starting with those.”

  She crossed her right arm over her breasts. “Now that I see it in person, I’m not either.” She listened as he explained the way each style worked. The tweezer style was the only one she was willing to try and she told him so. To soften the refusal she added, “Maybe after I get used to the idea we can try some of the others.”

  “Why did you say no to rubber bands? They’re flexible, more elastic than metal. Unless these”—he pointed to the metal clamps—“are on pretty tight, they have a tendency to fall off and removing them is the most unpleasant. The blood rush usually causes some discomfort. The bands stay in place better. They don’t try to close like some of these and they never go tighter than their initial size.”

  “As a kid we used to flick rubber bands at people. It stung and I guess I just imagined that same feeling.” His explanation made sense. “I guess I don’t get the purpose behind clamps in general.”

  “They keep the nipples engorged, causing heightened sensitivity. I’d like to begin using them on your breasts. A side benefit is the elongation of the nipples themselves. Even after the bands or clamps are removed, the nipple stays distended and aroused for a time. You can’t use them for very long at first. As you get used to them, you can wear them for longer periods. Which is another reason I’d like to try the bands—you could wear them underneath your clothes. Imagine sitting through dinner with bands keeping a constant pressure on your nipples. Each brush against your clothing adding
to your arousal.”

  His voice had taken on that smooth as honey tone. It washed over her, teasing her senses as he described what he wanted to do to her. Heaven help her, she wanted it too. She hadn’t considered any of those ideas. “How do you put them on?”

  He pulled a small suction bulb from his pocket. “You slide the band onto the tip. The tip size can be changed depending on how much of the nipple you want banded.”

  She understood the dynamics. “Okay, we can try it.”

  “Wonderful, Angel. Pull your robe down off your shoulders.”

  “Now? You want to try it now?” Her eyes were saucers. “I thought we were discussing in the future.”

  “When I said I wanted to begin using them, I meant now.” He opened her robe. “You are dripping wet and ready for me to take you. Your nipples, however, are only half hard. They need to be trained to stand at attention and demand their pleasure.”

  “Okay.” She took several breaths. “We can try them.” He said they were uncomfortable at first. Was that code for painful? Why was she doing this? Oh yeah, because she’d never been so hot in her life. Her breathing was shallow again.

  She watched as he stretched a band over the smaller tipped suction bulb. He cleared a spot on the table. “Climb up.”

  Once she was spread out before him, he began kissing and fondling her until she was arching her back and trying to rub her clit against him. When she was close to coming, he squeezed the suction bulb and slid it over her nipple. Slowly, he released his grip, increasing the vacuum. “Does it hurt, Angel?”

  “No. It pulls, though.”

  “Can you take more?”

  More? He wasn’t done? She looked at the bulb in his hand—it was only released about halfway. Oh God. “Okay.”

  “Tell me if it’s too much.” As gently as possible, he applied the full suction to her nipple. He held it in place while he licked and suckled her right breast. When she had relaxed and given in to the sensations, he slid the band down over her nipple and removed the bulb.

  Looking down at her nipple, deep red and fully engorged, held in place by the band, she almost came on the spot. It looked so naughty.

  She watched Nick swirl his tongue over the peak. “I’m going to come, Nick, please.”

  After one hard pull that had her coming off the table in pleasure, he released her and started with her right breast.

  She took several quick breaths to push the orgasm away.

  He repeated the process with equal satisfaction. “Just imagine how sensitive your breasts will be when we can move up to the larger tip.”

  Obviously, his imagination was already there. His cock was tenting his robe.

  After lifting her off the table, he pulled the robe back around her. The gentle rubbing of the fabric quickly drove her crazy.

  “Nick, I’m dying. I have to come. Please. I’m ready to beg.”

  “What kind of Dom would I be if I relented every time you wanted me to? You would think all you had to do was beg and I would give in. Sorry, Angel, not happening. Your body will grow accustomed to being aroused. It will crave it. Just like we’re training your nipples to demand attention, to enjoy constant stimulation, your body will learn to ride the crest, to accept wave after wave of sensation until I permit you to come.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Words like training, accept and permit sent zingers straight to her pussy. It was a little frightening that words alone could have such an effect.

  “Please hand me my glass, Angel.”

  Stretching caused her robe to rub against her swollen nipples. She gasped and began panting. Nick was watching her closely. She wanted to bask in the pride so obviously stamped on his handsome face, but her eyes were glazing over. She could only focus on the pleasure.

  His voice fell into the background. “Section six is the last one. We’re both interested in a playroom. Later we can discuss how to go about that. The only one we don’t agree on is whether to try this on a twenty-four seven basis. I think we should consider it and you chose not interested. Are you willing to re-examine it after we’ve tried this a bit?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was a whisper when she surfaced enough to notice the silence.

  “Good girl. Remove your robe. Let me see how your nipples are responding to training.”

  Her whole body arched at the mention of training. How did a simple word send her clit into overdrive?

  She barely noticed Nick toss his robe to the floor. Only the skin-to-skin connection broke through the haze. Cradling her in his arms, he carried her to bed. Her aching, bound nipples rubbing against his chest made her moan.

  Laying her on the bed, he ordered her to spread her legs.

  Laura obeyed instantly. She needed him inside her desperately. He lay between her legs and began kissing and licking the wetness along her thighs. She thrashed, trying to get his face against her clit. “Please, Nick, fuck me now. I’m going insane.”

  “You’re so beautiful, Laura. I want to keep you like this always. Dripping wet and begging me to fuck you.”

  He moved up her body, licking and teasing her tits before he slid his cock home. She was so ready for him. If she could just make him touch her clit! She squirmed shamelessly.

  “Please, Nick, please.” She shook her head from side to side as she tried to rock him deeper inside her.

  “Yes, Angel, come for me.” He rolled the bands over her engorged, hyper-sensitive tips as he plunged against her clit. Her scream mingled with his. Together, as it was meant to be, their world exploded. Wanton and loving it, she flew higher than ever before. Each torturous moment she’d waited was suddenly a small price to pay for the exquisite sensations surging through her body. With Nick’s arms holding her tight she found her heaven on earth.

  * * * *

  Sunlight streaming through the French doors woke Nick. He’d only slept a few hours, but he was more refreshed than he could ever remember. Last night—or was it this morning?—had been fucking amazing. If it wouldn’t bring unwanted questions, he’d send André a case of the finest vintage champagne. The knowledge he’d acquired since taking on DiscipliNation had served him well. Laura had responded better than he’d anticipated. He knew mentally she would continue to struggle. Orgasms like the one she’d had last night would go a long way toward easing her transition though. He’d sell his left nut for a repeat performance.

  It had been very educational. He’d realized instant gratification wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Sometimes you had to work for something to make it meaningful. He’d also learnt that if he kept endorphins rushing Laura’s system, she was more open to discussion, less embarrassed. He needed to give her so much pleasure she only wanted to go forward. To maximize her pleasure she had to talk to him and he had to reciprocate.

  He spent a couple of leisurely hours holding his wife while she slept. A few worries intruded. When she woke, would she be the hotter than hell submissive that had rocked his entire world or would she be embarrassed she’d embraced her sexuality so deeply? He couldn’t keep his hands still. Her skin was incredibly soft. It almost glowed.

  His body required a lot less sleep than Laura’s. He knew from experience, if he stayed in bed, he would have to touch her. When he indulged, she usually pushed his hands away. One morning, he’d called her on it. After much urging, she’d explained that making love made her feel vulnerable. If she was in work mode, she couldn’t switch gears like that. It was one of the reasons he went to work so early each morning. He didn’t want to fight with her and he didn’t take rejection well.

  From now on, he was done playing it safe and easy. He would tell her exactly what he wanted. He was willing to compromise. He could die a very happy man even if they didn’t get to half the things on his list, but this time around Laura would know his wants and desires. Together they would find their way.

  Running his hand lightly down the side of her ribs, he was pleased to see her nipples awaken ready to rock. Keeping his touch light, he caressed her thigh
s and was rewarded with a soft moan. With slight pressure, she spread her legs. He smiled, hearing her mumble in her sleep. Using one finger then two, he entered her pussy. Unable to resist, he took her nipple between his teeth and nibbled.

  Her eyes flew open. Instead of batting him away, she put her arms around his neck and arched into him. Yes, he could die a very happy man.

  Laura’s eyes were dark with desire. “I dreamed of you making love to me.”

  “Allow me to make all your dreams come true.” With a reverence he hadn’t felt in a long time, he made passionate, vanilla love to his wife. They’d spent the majority of their lives together and he never wanted their time to end.

  * * * *

  “I want you to wear something loose and flowing. Did you bring anything like that?”

  The set of his jaw gave him a stubborn look. Did he expect her to argue?

  “Yes, I think so.” She took longer with her makeup and hair than was strictly necessary. Her mind kept moving in fast forward. Did he intend to pick out her clothes from now on? She didn’t like that idea. Her clothing was one more weapon she used to keep a distance between her and everyone else. Should she tell him? Ask him? Finally, she decided to go with it until she had a specific objection. It wasn’t like he’d bought her something she didn’t like and told her to wear it or else.

  Returning to the bedroom, she noticed there was a set of ropes lying on the bed. Her stomach released a fresh flock of butterflies. The ropes were laid out in the form of a T. What the hell did he plan to do with that?

  “This looks interesting.” She was proud of herself. She sounded casual, intrigued, not freaking out, which in honesty was closer to the truth.

  “Yes, I think it will be.” He watched her as she pulled a bra and underwear from her suitcase. “You won’t need panties. This will keep you covered instead.” He waved his hand toward the crotch rope. “Do you know what this is?”