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Bondage Celebration (Desired Discipline) Page 4

  “’Cause it’s messy.”

  Playful Laura was such a treat. He found it very hard to remain firmly in control when Laura was mischievous.

  Another yank on her hair tipped her head back enough to see a smug, I’ve-got-you-right-where-I-want-you-smile on her face. “Brat! Take off the garter, hose and heels before going down the basement stairs. I want your ass naked when I chain you to the wall and teach you to respect your Dom.”

  He couldn’t say things like that or wetness would be pooling all the way to her knees. Laura desperately wanted to duck into the restroom and clean up. She’d been afraid if she admitted it, Nick would devise some horrible exercise to get her used to it.

  She’d tried to keep the focus on nudity. She’d figured he intended to parade her around the house naked as often as possible so admitting to that wasn’t likely to bring about any additional discipline sessions.

  Laura unhooked the garter fasteners before reaching behind her and unclipping the garter itself. She made sure she kept her shoulders back thrusting her breasts outward hoping he would touch her. With his arms crossed over his chest looking all bad-ass, she couldn’t help but toss her garter over his shoulder. “Can you hold that for me, Master?”

  She tried with all her might to keep a smile from lighting her face. His raised eyebrow, you’re-in-so-much-trouble-look, was hotter than hell. The muscles in her tummy tightened and she squirmed under his direct stare.

  Dropping her shoes just outside the entrance to the basement, she wondered if she was ready for this. Each new encounter was somehow more exhilarating than the last. Part of her was scared to death. Not of Nick. No, he would never intentionally hurt her. It just seemed impossible that things could continue to heat up.

  Where would it end? A couple of weeks ago, sex had been a nuisance. One more thing to check off her to-do list. Now she thought about it all the time. Wanted it all the time. More specifically, she wanted Nick all the time. It was mind blowing how much things had changed in such a short period.

  She caught herself thinking of him as her Master. After the initial what the fuck? shock wore off, she enjoyed it. The idea gave her a warm, secure feeling. She basked in the knowledge he would keep her safe and surround her with love. A different type of love than she’d ever expected to want. One filled with torture devices of every shape and size, binding ties made of rope and leather and erotic commands that kept her edgy and begging for more.

  Going down the stairs, Laura noticed there were a few changes in the basement. Chalk lines were drawn in various places on the concrete floor. An old loveseat was turned around facing the wall. Directly above the loveseat were three eyehooks. The two on top were easy to understand. It was the one in the middle that sent a haunted house, scary as hell thrill straight to her pussy. What was he planning?

  “Lean the front of your hips on the back of the loveseat. This simulates how a vaulting horse spanking bench would work.”

  She couldn’t draw her eyes away from the third hook. Her imagination couldn’t stretch far enough to figure out its purpose. It was too much to hope it was just an extra.

  “Step up on the pad and spread your legs.” Had his voice quivered? Laura saw he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. His gaze followed her every move.

  Her attention had been so centered on the hooks, she’d missed the pad. Forcing her eyes from the wall, she looked around. There was Nick’s gym bag on the seat. It looked pretty full. Shit.

  Here we go! She dutifully spread her legs to about shoulder width.

  “As far apart as you can go on your tippy toes.”

  On her toes? Okay, she spread them about a foot farther apart. From the bag, Nick drew two leather cuffs complete with soft fleece lining and D-rings. Next, he pulled out a length of chain. Her stomach dropped. Chain? Really? When he’d said he was going to chain her to the wall, she’d thought he’d been exaggerating. Chain was so much scarier than rope. Very dungeon-y. “Yes, Sir.”

  Nick secured each of her ankles with a cuff, attached a length of chain to the D-rings then circled the chain around the back legs of the loveseat. He cautioned her, “Be sure you can maintain this position, Angel. If you need to adjust, now is the time to do it.”

  Laura shifted her weight from leg to leg. Yes, it was do-able.


  Curbing her tongue, she lied through her teeth, “Yes, Sir. I’m ready.” Her brain screamed, No, Sir. No way, not in this lifetime, am I ready to be CHAINED to a wall in the basement. This was touching on some of her deepest, darkest fantasies, the ones too wrong to ever speak of out loud.

  “I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now. I’ve wanted you restrained in an upright position and what better location than the basement? As I continued to visualize the details, I knew I had to see you in chains. I can’t wait to get the ‘captured spy’ theme room completed. I have so many plans for that role play.”

  She wanted to reply. She understood it was important to acknowledge he was sharing something intimate. Her throat just refused to cooperate. She was starting to fear he could read her mind.

  If Nick had the same type of fantasies, maybe she wasn’t as perverted as she feared. “Me neither, Sir,” she managed to whisper. The soft leather cupping her ankles was oddly reassuring. If only she could block out the sound of the chain…

  “Give me your hands. When I secure you to the wall, you might find it more comfortable to wrap your hands around the chain. It helps keep the leather from digging into your wrists.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I will.” He must have learned that from his time at the clubs. Damn it!

  “What’s the matter, Angel? Your whole body is tense.”

  “I’m just a little nervous, Sir.” She took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves.

  “With good reason, subbie. This has turned into a discipline lesson.” He ran a finger lightly down her spine.

  Why was it sexy when he went all Dom on her? He was always changing it up. She could never guess what he’d do next. Unless she broke a rule. He was very consistent with his expectations. And breaking a rule, always, brought a consequence.

  “Okay, subbie, stretch your arms up toward the hooks.”

  With the loveseat in front of her, there was no way she could reach the hooks. Nick used chain to bridge the distance.

  “Put your feet flat on the floor.”

  He was confusing her. He made sure she could stand with her feet that far apart on her tip toes, then ordered her to be flat footed while he attached the chain. Obviously, he was taking it easy on her. Tamping down her disappointment, she tried to rationalize that it was the safe thing to do this first time. Nick was a safety boy. Maybe next time, and she already hoped there would be a next time, he would increase the rigor.

  Nick adjusted the chain so the restraints were taut, but she could stand comfortably with her feet flat on the floor. She wished she could see his face.

  “We have a little matter of training your mind to stay focused, as well as facing the consequences for disrespecting your Dom. I think a little tit torture should do the trick. You look so beautiful chained to the wall. I think we should chain your nipples too.”

  “What do you mean?” A breath later she remembered to add, “Sir?” Her clit just went supersonic. A whole flock of butterflies took flight in her stomach.

  “The middle hook you’ve been eyeing is for the chain I’m going to attach to your nipples.”

  Oh. Holy. Fuck! She watched in horror as he pulled a nasty set of alligator clips out of his bag of torture devices. She wanted to close her eyes. If she didn’t watch then it wouldn’t really happen, right?

  “Remember you can always safeword, but all play will stop and that orgasm you so desperately need will be delayed until our next scene.”

  Bastard. She hadn’t even considered using her safeword. Why had she thought he was going easy on her? Chaining her nipples to the basement wall was so far away from easy she couldn’t even imagine the dista
nce between the two. Fuck. She watched in sick fascination as he attached the first link to the alligator clip. As he came at her nipple, she instinctively pulled back on the chains binding her to the wall. It didn’t matter that the tips had a black rubber coating, they looked vicious.

  Nick chuckled, “Breathe, subbie. The clip isn’t terribly tight.” He paused and she recognized it was for effect. “Yet.”

  He seemed so calm. Like chaining her to the basement wall by her nipples was an everyday occurrence.

  “First, we need to get the length right.” With his left hand on her back, he made sure she was tight against the loveseat.

  Laura focused on the pressure he applied to her back and tried to block out the image of the metal clip open wide approaching her rock hard nipple. Silly nip, didn’t it know what was coming?

  “We have to make sure the clip is secure enough to stay on.” After he attached it Nick asked, “How does the clamp feel? Is it too painful? Do you want it tighter?”

  She took a few breaths trying to slow her racing pulse. It took a lot of effort to focus and analyze the sensations. “No, and no, Sir. It feels tingly. More scary than painful.” She realized the hook was a mixed blessing. While it made damn sure she wasn’t getting away, it would also carry most of the chain’s weight.

  “Good girl.”

  She watched him loop the chain loosely over the hook. He didn’t intend to pull it taut? She shook her head, shocked by her own thoughts. Why did she always second guess him? He probably just wanted to make sure she was safe. Just enjoy the scary as hell image and leave it at that. For heaven’s sake, now she was talking to herself.

  Lightly Nick ran both hands along her ribs. Oh, God, he knew how ticklish she was. There was no way she could stay still.


  “Stop? Did you just tell your Master to stop?” His stern voice sent her clit spasming.

  “No, Sir. I mean, yes, Sir! Please, you know how ticklish I am.” She back peddled in breathy amusement.

  “Oh, Laura,” he tsked, “subbies don’t decide when to stop. Only Doms make that decision. Good subbies please their Masters by enjoying the attention, any attention their Doms decide is best for them.”

  “I doubt my Master would like his sub to only have one nipple. It would be a shame if she had one ripped off in a tickling accident.”

  Laura was pretty sure Nick was laughing silently. His whole body was rumbling.

  “Disrespectful brat.” He gave her ass a good, hard swat. “Your arms are bound securely limiting your range of movement. The chain attached to said nipple is loose, allowing a significant range of motion before it even begins to tug and to further insure the safety of this delicious nip,” he grabbed the chain and gently tugged, “the clamp has only a moderate grip. If by some highly unlikely chance you were to wiggle farther than I believe possible, it would pull free. While that would be uncomfortable to say the least, it would in no way, rip your nipple off.”

  Of course he spoke the truth. She understood why he took the time to explain it, but it did reduce the intensity factor. When would she learn?

  “Obviously, brats can’t be given so much leeway.” He removed the chain from the hook, pulled it taut, and reattached it.

  Oh my! Now almost any movement produced a tugging sensation. As long as she stayed fairly still, all she felt was constant pleasurable pull. She cringed just imagining what a jerking motion would feel like.

  “You must stay still or your nipple will get quite the tug.” Nick ran his fingers lightly down her back causing her to shiver.

  It was impossible to stay still. “I’m trying, but I can’t!” The light touch he was using had her nerve endings wired. Every time she wiggled she felt the pull on her nipple. It was the most erotic Chinese finger trap situation she’d ever experienced.

  “This is called consequence play. If you follow the rules and stay perfectly still, the sensations are manageable. But lose your focus and your nipples will take the punishment.” He ran two fingers from her clit to her pussy. “Mmm, so wet. Is this what you considered messy?” He held his hand in front of her face.

  Damn it. She’d thought he’d forgotten about that. When would she realize pulling anything over on him was a pipe dream? She nodded her head, ‘till she remembered he demanded she speak when asked a direct question. “Yes, Sir.” She watched as he took those same fingers and put them in his mouth. Her moan echoed off the wall.

  Nick then plunged them deep into her pussy, finger fucking her for several seconds. She was so hot and ready for him, it took all the control she could muster to stay still. Laura yearned. Yearn was a word she rarely thought of, but damn it, she yearned to rock against his hand and feel a measure of relief. Yet if she did, her nipple would get yanked. So unfair.

  He withdrew his fingers and brought them in front of her mouth. “Open.”

  Laura wanted to refuse. There was no way she could do what he wanted. Silently, she pleaded with him. Shit, she was chained—freaking chained—to the basement wall and now he was asking her to taste her own wetness. The only way out was to safeword. Her body was pulsing with need. She couldn’t safeword. As much as her mind cried a denial, she wanted this. Her body needed this. Craved it. With an anguished sigh, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

  The taste was tangier than she’d expected. If she ignored the what she was tasting and just focused on pleasing Nick, it was do-able.

  “Your cheeks are the same beautiful shade of red I intend to make your ass in just a few more minutes.” He caressed her face as he moved his fingers in and out of her mouth.

  She heard his breath hitch as she ran her tongue along his fingers. Laura slowly opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. His pulse was throbbing along the vein in his neck. She assumed his cock was dancing to the same beat.

  “Ah, Laura, you’re killing me, baby.”

  Her smile reached her soul. She’d read submission was freeing. When their bondage anniversary had begun, she had hoped to experience such a feeling. As soon as she got out of her head and quit overthinking things, she’d flown free as a bird on a thermal. It was amazing, but not terribly surprising. After all, she’d been forewarned. What shocked the holy hell out of her was the rush of power she received from submitting to Nick. It was better than closing a million dollar deal.

  Nick breathed deeply and cleared his throat. He took a moment to gather what he needed to finish restraining her. Once again, he was all business.

  “On your tip toes, my love. Now, take a deep breath and exhale as the clamp attaches.” Again he ran his hand along her back, pressing her firmly against the loveseat.

  The look on Laura’s face as Nick attached the chain from her nipple to the wall had him wishing the closed circuit video was set up.

  Nick was careful to get the measurement just right. He knew her height varied by slightly less than three inches from tip toe to flat foot. He left enough slack in the chain to keep the pull on her nipples at a safe rate. With her arms secured to the wall, there wasn’t any danger of her pulling farther away than that, no matter how much stimuli she was experiencing. While this was definitely playing with her mind, it was still in the safe, sane and consensual range.

  He smiled, knowing he still had a few more tricks up his sleeve. Reaching into the bag, he pulled out an overly large set of bolt cutters. He chose that pair to give the impression the chains were industrial strength. Playing mind games with his little subbie was half the fun.

  Now that he knew the precise length needed, he lifted the chain to within her view and cut the excess. His Angel jumped as the chain clinked onto the sofa. Very carefully, he re-attached the end of the chain to the clamp on her left breast and returned it to the hook anchoring her to the wall.

  “Oh, Angel, you look amazing. Yes, the video feed was a very good decision on my part. I wish it was ready. You look freaking hot tonight, baby.”

  Laura groaned. “So glad to know I can pull off the leather and chains look, Sir.�

  “Such a sassy mouth.” Nick looked into his bag of goodies and pulled out a paddle. He chose one with a smooth leather blade. His objective was to turn her ass a beautiful pinkish red. In the bag, he saw a shiny silver bell. A smile Laura would have termed evil, had she been able to see it, spread across his face. He reached around and found the bell’s mate.

  “You cut your exercising short tonight. How many sets did you leave out?”

  “My Master requested I complete three sets tonight. Two less than usual.” Her tone making it clear she wasn’t taking the blame for cutting her exercise session short.

  “We will make them up using the paddle. No matter how intense the paddling becomes, you need to remember not to move or your nipples will pay the price. Do you understand, Angel?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She barely got the words out of her mouth before Nick struck her ass with the paddle. It gave a satisfying whomp that had his cock twitching. The length of the paddle allowed it to strike both cheeks at the same time. After the second swat landed, at the edge of the first, Laura wrapped her hands around the chains.

  Nick watched Laura rock back after each strike. Every movement would cause vibrations to pulse through her breasts.

  “How are you doing, my Angel?” Her head was tipped forward, her upper body relying on the wrist restraints to hold her up. It was such a beautiful sight.

  “Oh, God, it feels good, Master.” Her response came naturally and he was sure she spoke the truth.

  The third and fourth strikes landed in succession. “Breathe, Angel. Are you okay?” He cupped his hand along her pussy reveling in the moist heat that beckoned him home.

  “Yes, Sir.” She took a deep breath and whispered, “Harder, hit me harder.”

  His heart clenched in his chest. No doubt he was the luckiest S.O.B. on the planet. “As you wish, my love.” The last blow in the set rocked her forward a good inch or so. There was no danger of hurting her breasts by moving forward, it was only when she rocked back or down that she felt a pull. He’d made sure the chains binding her arms wouldn’t allow enough travel to let her get injured.