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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Page 11

  Laura lay on the bed, legs apart. “This is going to be intense, Laura. Exhale as I release the clamp.”

  “Ugh!” Her breathing quickened. “Oh, Master, please fuck me. I need you inside me.”

  “In time, Angel, there’s no hurry. We have all evening.” He knew he had to give her a brief respite. She’d been clamped a long time. He didn’t mind her being deliciously sore, but painfully sore was out of the question. Taking his time, he kissed her thighs and circled her ass with his finger. It was important to go slow. He wanted her ass, but she wasn’t completely sold on the idea yet. If he rushed and hurt her, she might never be amendable to it.

  He finger-fucked her pussy, making sure she stayed in a heightened state. Ensuring she was adequately lubed and relaxed was imperative too. He blew warm air on her clit. Her reaction was perfect as always. She was ready. “I’m going to blindfold you, Laura. I want to narrow your focus.”

  “Yes, Sir.” For the most part she kept her eyes shut anyway. Giving her clear instructions would remove any unnecessary worry.

  Nick made sure her eyes were covered before he removed the plug from his bag. Scaring her wouldn’t serve his purpose and if she got a look at the plug she would surely tense up. He made sure to keep at least some part of their bodies touching at all times. It kept them connected and reassured her he was with her every step of the way.

  “I’m so proud of you, Angel. You exceed my expectations at every turn. You know you’re my soulmate, don’t you?”

  She relaxed at the sound of his voice. He was so glad he could give that to her. “Yes, Nick, we were meant to be together.”

  He overlooked her using his name this time. Allowing a sub to use a term of familiarity was bad form. It shifted the exchange of power, making it harder for the bottom to find sub space. Now was not the time to call her on it. He wanted her focused on her body, not her speech patterns.

  While he finger-fucked her pussy and ass, he lightly kissed and suckled her clit. More of a friendly peck than the serious attention she wanted. When her ass began drawing his finger in, he knew it was time to move on. After he reapplied the lube to the rim of her ass and generously applied it to the plug, he was ready.

  “Push back for me, Angel, and I’ll relieve your ache.” He spoke slowly, drawing each breath across her clit. He felt her stomach tighten as she pushed. Her sphincter muscles responded beautifully, opening and allowing the plug to slide in. Once it passed the tight rim, her ass drew it in until the base bottomed into her perineum.

  Her breath was coming in a heady combination of pants and moans. She was killing him. He needed to be inside her, but this wasn’t about him. His job was to see to her pleasure in exchange for her submitting to him. And he never shirked his responsibilities.

  Knowing he’d need them, Nick had brought several washcloths from the bathroom. After using one to wipe the lube from his hands, he started to gently tease her clit. Soon she was begging him for more. Increasing the intensity, he spun the plug, bringing her pleasure to a fevered pitch. “Master, may I come, please? Please, Master?”

  It took every ounce of control he’d ever learnt not to soak the sheets. She’d remembered to ask permission and she’d called him Master. He wanted to give her the world on a solid gold platter. “Yes, Laura, come for me.” Spinning the plug, he sucked her clit into his mouth and swirled his tongue until she was screaming.

  It was arrogant and prideful, but still his ego soared when her torso lifted off the bed as her orgasm rocked through her. He gentled his touch, but kept direct pressure on her clit until her body, completely and beautifully spent, fell limp across the mattress.

  “Get on your tummy with your hands behind your back,” he demanded. It came out rougher than he’d intended. It was hard squeezing words between clenched teeth. He grabbed a fifteen foot section of rope and bound her from forearms to wrists in black hemp. The contrast was beautiful. He took a moment to gaze at his masterpiece, and chuckled at his unintended pun. He rolled a finger between her wrists and the ropes, making sure her circulation wasn’t compromised. Before he plunged into her sweet, wet pussy, he checked the knot was a square, not a granny. He didn’t want the ropes to tighten unexpectedly.

  When he was sure she was safe, he indulged himself. He set a brutal pace, pounding into her with each thrust. He linked his left hand into the ropes, giving him the leverage he needed to spin the plug with his right hand. He was rewarded with Laura crying out again. She had never been a screamer. Her vocalizing her pleasure was a huge turn-on.

  “Come,” she moaned. “I’m going to come.” As if the words were wrenched from her soul she begged, “Please, Master.”

  Nick reveled in her submission. “Yes, Laura, again.” He released the plug and rolled her swollen clit between his fingers. They exploded together. His orgasm crashed through his body with a force he’d never felt before. He was completely addicted to her. If he died tomorrow, he’d die happy.

  As they rode the waves, he slowed the pace, bringing them down easy. Except, he couldn’t stop. It was just too fucking perfect. “Relax for me, Angel.” He knew she was still floating, but she obeyed him, allowing him to ease the plug from her. Very softly, Nick used another washcloth to clean her bottom. Then he immediately began re-stoking the fire. After a few hard thrusts he pulled out, mirroring her denial. “Don’t worry, Laura, I’m not finished with you yet.”

  Gently, he turned her over. Her bound wrists arched her back, giving her a sexier than fuck look. “Is that okay, Angel? Are you too uncomfortable?”

  She shook her head a little desperately. “Fuck me. Please.”

  He didn’t need any further urging. He slid in with one smooth thrust. Son of a bitch, the position of her pelvis had his cock head rubbing along her vaginal walls at a totally different angle. Even without the plug, his cock was fighting the tight sensations. “You’re going to kill me, Laura, but what a way to go.”

  She smiled and nodded. They hadn’t had this many orgasms in so short a time period since…ever. Her beautiful body was flushed. A fine sheen set her skin glowing.

  “Laura Branson speechless. Such a lovely treat!”

  “Nick, it’s building again. It’s too much.” She shook her head. “Too soon.”

  “If you can still speak in complete sentences, we’re not finished yet.” Nick couldn’t keep his hands from cupping her breasts. He knew he wouldn’t be gentle. There wasn’t an ounce of gentle in him. He rolled and pulled her nipples until she was writhing beneath him. Her muscles began milking his cock. A perfect rhythm, squeeze on the up stroke, release on the down stroke. When he knew he couldn’t last any longer, he shifted, applying pressure to her mound.

  She was exhausted, but she followed his lead, making him so proud. And crazy. Like a man possessed. He knew the moment she gave in and stopped fighting it and let the feelings carry her away.

  “Again, Angel. Come for me once more.” He closed his eyes as the orgasms rocked them. Tears were in his eyes from the sheer perfection of their lovemaking. Thank God she was still blindfolded and wouldn’t know how completely pussy-whipped she’d made him. He tipped his head back and allowed his song to mingle with hers.

  Good thing the bedroom of their suite jutted out from the hotel proper, granting them additional privacy. After his cock had spilled every drop of seed his poor balls had managed to produce running three shifts, he dropped onto the bed and rolled her on top of him. Nick automatically untied the ropes and massaged the kinks away before he followed Laura into a deep sleep.

  * * * *

  Laura woke to the sun shining through the wood shutters. She felt oddly at peace. Her body, deliciously sore. She was pretty sure she’d fainted at one point. When reality had come back into focus, she was in an entirely different position with no recollection of ever moving.

  When Nick used his Dom persona, she melted. Her body was eager to fulfill his every wish, confident in the knowledge that he would rock her world as surely as the sun would rise t
omorrow. Maybe global warming had more to do with an increase in Dominant men and less to do with the ozone layer.

  Waking to Nick spooned around her was a feeling she could get used to. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d awakened in his arms. It felt heavenly. His soft, steady breaths were calming. Normally, she woke with a hundred thoughts all beating at her. Even on days off, she was rarely able to relax.

  Tomorrow morning, normal life would send their precious weekend into the memory bucket. If only it didn’t have to end. She needed to make time alone with Nick a higher priority. Work had been crazy for so long, crazy had become the norm. No, that wasn’t true. She had thrown herself into work once the kids had started college.

  What would happen once they left the hotel? Would their sex life slip back into the familiar? It had only been two days, but she knew she would never be satisfied with only vanilla again. On the checklist, Nick wanted to try living the lifestyle twenty-four seven. She didn’t want that, but only once or twice a week wouldn’t work either. Yes, creating a playroom was a very good idea. It would have to be someplace private. It wouldn’t do to have the kids find a cabinet full of sex toys.

  “I like that smile. What are you thinking about?” The deep timbre of Nick’s voice surrounded her. She felt safe and happy.

  “I was thinking we should contact Frank about remodeling the basement.”

  He laughed. “Great minds do think alike. He’s coming over Tuesday evening to have a look.”

  Feeling carefree and bratty, she decided to push his buttons. “I’ve got it all worked out. We should use light woods with pale pink accents.”

  “Thank God, I’m the Dom. We will use warm, rich woods and earth tones with plush, soft carpet. I suspect you’ll spend a fair amount of time on your knees.” He squeezed her tight and kissed the top of her head. “The only pink accents will be the color of your ass after a thorough spanking.”

  She snuggled against his chest, enjoying the steady beat of his heart. “I guess I can live with that.”

  “You enjoyed your spanking,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, I did,” she said softly, still wondering why that was true. Spankings weren’t supposed to be pleasurable and yet she would gladly offer her ass for another. Sometimes, she was learning, it was best not to over-think the whys and hows of things. She didn’t need to know how her cell phone worked to enjoy its conveniences. “André was impressed by your skill with a whip.” She left the sentence hanging, hoping he would tell her more.

  “Men are men no matter the setting.” The doorbell to the suite rang. “That’s room service. I’ll be right back.” Nick threw on a robe. As he left, he closed the bedroom door, granting her privacy.

  She was relieved they were going to spend more alone time in the room. While their adventures in public had been exciting, she wanted some quiet time with him. Of course, he knew that and had planned accordingly.

  “Breakfast is served on the terrace, my lady. Put a robe on. I don’t want anyone ogling my woman.”

  Like she would be on the balcony naked! What a goof. Walking into the living room, she found the double French doors open. She took her place in front of the decadent meal spread out for them. “It looks delicious, Nick, thank you.”

  Once he had started eating, she picked up their conversation. “So, how did we become part owners in a kink club, Nick?” She strived for a casual tone, but doubted she was very successful.

  “André was nervous when he first came to the firm and explained what type of legal services he required. He needed someone who wouldn’t be offended by his trade, but also someone who could be objective. There had been an expensive lawsuit at a competitor’s club and André wanted to make sure he didn’t lose his ass. He’d mortgaged everything to get the business off the ground. He was just starting to see year over year profit and didn’t want to jeopardize his success through sloppy handling.”

  “He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. His Mardi Gras event has potential.”

  “He is business wise, but he’s been immersed in the lifestyle around likeminded people for so long, he doesn’t think in layman’s terms anymore.”

  “I don’t understand.” Why would it matter?

  “It’s unfathomable, in his mind, that someone would use a red, scented, household candle from less than six inches away on their partner’s body.”

  She gave him a quizzical look, hoping he’d explain.

  “I guess what I’m saying is, he looks at situations from an experienced, safety-engrained perspective, not as a curious novice.” Nick chuckled. “He assumed we’d been living the lifestyle and I’m a freaking genius for being able to objectively analyze the liability issues.”

  “You have a tremendous talent for recognizing problem areas. Your clients speak in reverent tones when singing your praises. I couldn’t begin to estimate the millions of dollars you’ve saved them. Your mind just works that way.” She took a drink of orange juice. “I’m very proud of you, Nick. You’ve taken a shiny piece of paper, as my father calls college degrees, and turned it into one of the most respected law firms in the country. You deserve every accolade you’ve received.”

  “Thank you, Angel. For two starving college kids, we’ve done pretty well for ourselves.”

  “So why haven’t I seen this whipping contest trophy?” She took his cue and lightened the mood.

  “My prize was a barrage of foul language from Ted.” He nodded as if remembering the event. “It was much more satisfying than a trophy. Ted thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips. It felt good to fuck with him.”

  “I thought you said you weren’t comfortable with whips.” She must have been in an orgasmic haze and have misunderstood.

  “I can handle the four-footer, but the six and a half can get away from me. I won’t use it in our play until I’m sure I can control it every time. Canes leave some wicked bruising. Unless you really want that experience, I’d rather not. I don’t find bruising erotic.”

  “No, I think we can skip that.” She was sore already. Her body wasn’t used to the things they’d been doing. In a weird way, she enjoyed being sore. It was a gentle reminder their fun hadn’t been just another fantasy. She looked down and realized her plate was clean. Great sex could really build an appetite.

  “How are you feeling about all this?”

  She understood his need to make sure they were on the same page. “I really enjoy it, Nick, as long as I don’t get too bogged down analyzing everything. I’ve been a control freak for so long, it’s a complete departure from my nature to submit.”

  “I disagree, Laura. You’re a natural submissive. You couldn’t give yourself so beautifully to me unless it came naturally.” By his serious expression, she knew they were nearing a touchy subject.

  “Your mom was a wonderful woman, but she didn’t have a lot of luck with men. She wanted to make sure you were strong and self-sufficient. And you are. She taught you to be independent, to not need anyone. She wanted to prepare you in case your life mirrored hers. She never experienced what we have together. I believe we’re soulmates, two halves of one whole. Once you let go of what you ‘think’ is right and allow your natural instincts to take over, you are my perfect submissive.”

  There was a lot of truth in that. “Well, when she told me to hold onto you with both hands, I think she was right on the money.”

  He smiled. “I miss her.”

  Tears came to her eyes. “I do too.”

  “The annual outdoor art festival is this weekend. I thought we’d go this afternoon.”

  Laura was grateful for the change in subject. “The weather is perfect. I’d love to.”

  Chapter Six

  Laura was a little disappointed that he hadn’t asked her to wear some torture device or another. Oh how her nice, neat little world had been turned on its ear.

  They spent hours walking along the booths, admiring the local artisans’ work. Laura bought a small sculpture for her office. Mostly, th
ey just enjoyed each other’s company. It had been too long since they’d taken time for just the two of them.

  Nick steered them over a rise toward a roped-off section. Laura noticed a mature content warning sign at the entrance.

  “There’s a photographer whose work I’d like you to see. He’s very talented.”

  After walking up and down the aisles, Laura understood why the section was off the beaten path. Most of the art pieces were tastefully done and beautiful, but if her kids had been little and had stumbled upon this section, she could just imagine the questions they’d have asked.

  “Mr Branson, I’m so glad you could make it to the show.”

  Laura turned to see Nick shaking hands with a man probably in his late twenties. He was trim, dressed casually in jeans and a linen shirt.

  “Please, Mike, call me Nick. This is my wife, Laura.” Nick made the introductions. Turning toward her, he explained how they’d met. “I had a few minutes before meeting a client and popped into Mike’s gallery. His work really impressed me.”

  Laura was amazed. When she’d heard the word photographer, combined with the mature content warning, she had expected porn. Pure, magazine-style porn. His work was different, though. Yes, the photos were of naked, or nearly so, young men and women, but the focal point was bondage. One that particularly caught her eye was a black and white photo. A woman was pictured from behind, her arms tied together intricately. The dark rope was such a contrast against her pale body. She was wearing flirty panties that barely covered the top of her ass cheeks. It didn’t show any of her truly private areas, yet it was highly erotic.

  “I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to André. Showcasing my work in his clubs has really turned a corner for me. Sales and referrals have jumped tremendously. And recently, I’ve taken over the photos for his websites and merchandising. It was just the break I’d been praying for. If you ever need a photographer, I’m all yours. Completely gratis.” His appreciation was obvious.

  “Thank you, Mike. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. You have great talent. You deserve to have your work recognized.”